本論文旨在探討人道救援行動「軍事部門」與「非政府組織」兩界間關係,並試圖從檢視、分析聯合國、北約組織,甚或美軍幾次人道干預行動的經驗,重構兩部門可能的協力援助架構,從而探索一個全新的人道援助思考。此外,本研究以新型態軍事任務─「不同於作戰的軍事行動」(MOOTW),非政府組織人道援助理論基礎,以及「公私協力」理論為研究基礎,並循1990年後發跡於西方強權的「人道干涉」(humanitarian intervention)的歷史脈絡,逐一將幾次人道干涉典範案例的文獻,作一統整性的歸納、分析,希冀自研究分析的過程中,思考軍事部門與非政府組織兩部門,能否在人道援助行動中相合互補,甚至相得益彰,發揚更具效能的人道援助行動。此乃本論文之主要的思考方向與研究旨趣。 This purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship between the “military sector” and “Non-Government Organization” of the humanitarian assistance. It is also attempted to review and analyze several experiences of humanitarian intervention from the operations of UN, NATO, and even US military. We rebuild the assisting framework of possible cooperation between these two sectors, and therefore explore a whole new thinking of humanitarian assistance. In addition, this paper uses a new type of military mission: “Military Operation Other Than War” or “MOOTW” as the theoretical foundation of NGO humanitarian assistance. Also, the theory of “cooperation between public and private sectors” is used as the research foundation. This paper follows the historical path of humanitarian intervention which appeared in the western world after 1990 to increasingly summarize and analyze the literatures of those paradigms. Through the process of research and analysis, we wish to think how military and NGO sectors can complement each other, and even bring out the best in each other. Thus, the operations of humanitarian assistance can be enhanced. These are the major thinking and objectives of this paper.