本研究以Parasuraman,Zeithaml & Berry (即PZB)三位學者提出的一般性服務品質衡量模式為基礎,考慮自來水園區的特性,修正其構面,並嘗試發展一套適用於該園區服務品質的評估量表,運用統計方法,以提供自來水園區提昇服務品質之策略方向。 本研究藉由參觀自來水園區的顧客,調查顧客事前對自來水園區所提供服務之期望與實際參觀後對該園區各項服務的體驗感受,來分析影響顧客滿意程度與期望程度之差異,針對假日、非假日和假日及非假日等三類之顧客滿意度加以分析比較,來達成該園區改善之依據,以創造顧客滿意與達成機構使命的雙贏策略,本研究並提供後續研究之參考,以延伸其完整性。 This study intends to modify the service quality evaluation model designed by Parasuraman , Zeithaml & Berry . And try to develope a service quality evaluation model suitable for the Taipei Water Park (TWP), through the use of the statistical method . This study provides the strategies orientation for the TWP to improve the service quality. By investigating the expected and perceived service quality of the customers of TWP, we intends to implicate the influenced factors. Also, we classify the customers into three categories such as vocational , weekday , and all. By using the comparative study , we propose the strategy for improving the service quality ,and customer's satisfaction.