本研究針對社區取向藝術教育理論應用在教學實務上的不足,而嘗試將創造思考教學策略融入於該取向藝術教學,以周全地發展具有「開發學生創造力」與「喚起對社區文化環境關懷意識」的藝術教學模式為目標。本研究透過行動研究的方法,以嘉義縣竹崎國小五年級美術才能班為教學實施對象,針對當地文化環境與學習者特性,設計「運用創造思考教學策略於社區取向視覺藝術教學」之課程與教學活動。 本文旨在透過研究歷程的呈現與探討,嘗試解答:社區取向的視覺藝術課程如何結合創造思考教學策略、在此教學歷程中,學生的學習態度與學習成果如何、研究者的體會和反思又為何、運用創造思考教學策略於社區取向藝術教學有何優點與限制等問題;進而根據研究者行動研究的歷程與結果,對未來教學實務與後續研究提出建議。 經由研究歷程中的觀察、紀錄、資料蒐集與分析,以及研究者的體會與省思、發現與探討,本研究有如下之發現:(一)運用創造思考教學策略於社區取向藝術教學的方式包含:1.「圓網蛛」概念式的課程與教學設計結構網;2.兼顧社區文化與個體成長的課程設計;3.結構化的創造思考教學歷程。(二)運用創造思考教學策略於社區取向藝術教學的優勢為:1.學生對社區文化環境產生關注,並體現於創作活動中;2.植基於生活經驗的課程加上創新的要求,可以激發學習興趣;3.有助於學生的自我實現;4.有助於學生創造力提昇。(三)運用創造思考教學策略於社區取向藝術教學,須注意的限制為:1.課程與教學設計需以專業能力事先做完善的規劃;2.學習者特性可能成為影響學習興趣之變數;3.運用創造思考教學策略需因應學生能力與態度而調整;4.目前尚未發展適當的評量工具,在量化評量上仍有其困難。 基於上述研究結果與發現,本文分別就課程設計、教學策略、教學評量等方面提出教學實務上的建議,並提出後續研究之建議方向。 For the defect of the Community-Oriented Art Education, this research is aimed at integrating Creative Thinking Teaching Strategies to develop an art instructional unit, which could not only strengthen students’ creativity but also arouse the consciousness of the community culture environment. Based on the cultural and environmental features of the community and students’ capacities, this study starts with designing an art lesson unit for an art-class of the Ju-chi Elementary School for gifted-and-talented fifth graders. This study tries to answer these questions: How to apply Creative Thinking Teaching Strategies to the Community-Oriented Art Pedagogy? During the process, how are the learning attitude and effect of the students? How does the teacher experience and reflect? And then, based on the findings, the recommendations are made for other teachers and researchers who are interested in relevant issues. Through analysis and exploration, this study has several findings listed as follows:Ⅰ.The ways of applying creative thinking teaching strategies to a community-oriented art pedagogy are: 1.employing the concept of “the Épeire” to planning the lesson and pedagogy; 2.considering the community’s culture and student’s artistic development; 3.developing a well-organized learning process.Ⅱ.The advantages of applying creative thinking teaching strategies to a community-oriented art pedagogy are: 1.Students are more concerned with the community’s cultural environment ; 2.Students are more interested in art learning; 3.Students are more confident in making art and taking other challenges; 4. Students are more willing to think and create.Ⅲ.The limitations of applying creative thinking teaching strategies to a community-oriented art pedagogy are: 1.It takes time, efforts, and professional skills to develop a lesson plan like this; 2.Students’ learning experiences may cause some difficulties in participation; 3.It is not easy to know thoroughly about students’ backgrounds and the community; 4.It is still difficult to develop appropriate assessment methods. Based upon the results and findings, this research makes suggestions about the lesson planning, teaching strategies, and pedagogy assessment. Besides, it points out the direction for further studies.