九年一貫課程學籍資料電子化主要目的在使現有之學生學籍、成績等學籍資料透過電子化過程,進一步獲得更好的管理及教學應用。由於各縣市、各學校使用的學籍系統在作業平台及應用系統上各有不同,在學籍資料交換時,造成資料無法順利交換運用之困擾。 為使學生學籍電子資料能跨越各種資料系統平台之限制。運用Web Services開放性與模組性的優點,將各種所需功能封裝成Web Services物件,建構一個以Web Services為基礎之協同位置服務應用框架。 本研究即以Web Services技術為基礎,提出一中介的流程整合平台架構,運用Web Services 技術跨平台及訊息標準化的特性,達到異質平台應用系統之學籍資料之交換。 Grade 1-9 Curriculum aims to electrify student data hoping to get a better grip of student data such as grades, needs therefore make these information more of use. Student data systems differ from school to school which leads to usage problems while passing student data from one school to another. To break the restriction and make student data usable to different data systems, Web Services has the advantage of exoteric and module , transferring the functions needed into Web Services object. Therefore, building a basic location servicing system based on the coordinate located servicing frame to prove the idea of this research. Therefore based on the techniques of Web Services this research introduces a neutral flow integrating platform, using Web Services feature of technical platform and standardized communication to reach the goal of transferring student data between different platform systems.