主旨:本研究旨在探討生活事件、人格特質對其憂鬱症狀之影響。研究目的主要有五項:一、瞭解高中職女學生的憂鬱症狀、生活事件與人格特質之型態及分佈。二、瞭解不同背景變項的高中職女學生其憂鬱症狀的分佈,並檢定是否具有差異。三、探討生活事件與高中職女學生憂鬱症狀之間的關係。四、探討人格特質與高中職女學生憂鬱症狀之間的關係。五、在控制背景變項之後,探討生活事件與人格特質對高中職女學生憂鬱症狀的影響。 方法:以台中縣兩所高中職的女學生為研究對象,高中職日間部一至三年級女學生,以「分層隨機抽樣」方式共1207人填寫流行病學研究中心憂鬱量表(The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression, CES-D),以及生活事件檢核表(Life Event Checklist, LEC)、艾氏少年人格量表(Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, JEPQ)。所得資料採描述性統計、獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、薛費氏事後比較(Scheffe post-hoc method)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson Correlation Coefficients)、複迴歸分析等統計方法進行分析。 結果:台中縣兩所高中職女學生出現無或輕度憂鬱者佔85.9%,中度憂鬱者佔13.6%,重度憂鬱者佔0.5%。憂鬱症狀在年級上有差異性,高中職三年級學生憂鬱症狀程度較高中職一年級學生來得高。自評學業表現越差者,憂鬱症狀程度越高。自評家中經濟狀況越差者,憂鬱症狀也越高。而兩校在憂鬱症狀上亦有差異性。至於父母親教育程度、親生父母婚姻狀態與憂鬱症狀則無顯著差異。而負向生活事件比率最高的前十項事件,依序為成績退步,其次家人重病或重傷,父母爭吵的次數增加,父母的經濟狀況改變,跟父母爭吵的次數增加,跟兄弟姊妹處不好,父母不在家的時間增加,失去要好的朋友,被學校記過或警告,跟同學處不好。而憂鬱症狀與生活事件總數、負向生活事件、負向獨立性生活事件、負向衍生性生活事件均呈顯著正相關。尤其以負向衍生性事件與青少年憂鬱症狀最為顯著相關。且神經質人格特質、外向人格特質、精神病質人格特質皆與憂鬱症狀相關,但以神經質人格特質最為顯著正相關。憂鬱症狀與外向人格特質成負相關。在生活事件總數、負向生活事件、獨立性事件、衍生性事件、負向獨立性生活事件、負向衍生性生活事件與神經質人格特質及精神病質人格特質皆具正向相關性,而外向人格特質則僅與生活事件總數、衍生性事件具相關性。控制了其他可能干擾之後,複迴歸的結果指出,影響高中職女學生憂鬱症狀之重要變項為:神經質人格特質越高、負向衍生性生活事件越多、外向人格特質越低,其憂鬱症狀越高。 結論:本研究顯示高中職女生神經質人格特質、負向衍生性生活事件及外向人格,為其憂鬱症狀之重要相關變項。 Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of life events, personality traits, and depressive symptoms among female students of two high schools in Taichung county. Methods: A total number of 1207 female students was randomly selected from two senior and vocational high schools of Taichung county for the present study. They were asked to complete a series of self-report questionnaires in terms of Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scales (CES-D), Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (JEPQ), and Life Events Checklist (LEC). All data were analyzed with the software package of SPSS12 for windows. Descriptive statistics, T-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, analysis of regression were applied to check the hypotheses. Results : A proportion of 13.6% of subjects ranked in the middle-level of depression group, whereas 0.5% subjects showed a high-level of depression. All types of life events were found to be associated with depressive symptoms, especially for negative/dependent life events. Neuroticism and Pschoticism subscales of JEPQ were positively associated with depressive symptoms but Extraversion subscale was negatively associated with depressive symptoms. All types of life events were found to be positively associated with neuroticism and pschoticism but only total number of life events and dependent life events were associated with extraversion. Multiple regression showed that neuroticism and extraversion traits and negative/dependent life events were the important variables to affect students' depression symptoms after controlling for other possible confounding factors. Conclusions: Among adolescent girls in suburban area of central Taiwan, both personality trails and life events play important roles in influencing the depressive symptoms.