摘要: | 本研究目的在了解彰化縣某高職三年級學生,針對可能影響墮胎之生命倫理態度之個人與環境因素進行普查,了解該校學生對墮胎之生命倫理態度,是否因個人背景變項不同而有差異;並探討護理課程融入生命教育議題「墮胎面臨的生命權與自主權」的討論後,對該校高三學生墮胎之生命倫理態度之影響。 本研究以仿「所羅門四組設計」將參與教學實驗學生分成八組進行準實驗研究,來比較實驗組與控制組在前測、後測、追蹤測之變化。並且為避免由同一研究者施教,影響內在效度,研究者與該校之護理教師配合進行教學。實驗處理為融入式課程「墮胎面臨的生命權與自主權」,控制組則進行原訂之護理課程。 研究者引用張湘淩(2003)編製之「生命倫理態度-墮胎議題」問卷,來比較實驗組與控制組在前測、後測、追蹤測之變化。將有效問卷648位學生資料進行描述統計、雙因子變異數分析與雙因子共變數分析,以了解有無前測、有無教學介入與不同教學者對墮胎生命倫理態度之影響。研究結果歸納如下: 一、該校高三學生婚前性行為發生比率界於7.3-15.7﹪。 二、老師是該校高三學生之墮胎知識主要來源與影響因素。 三、該校高三學生對於墮胎之生命倫理態度是持較不贊成的態度。 四、前測引起控制組對墮胎議題之注意,影響力甚至延至追蹤測。 五、融入式生命教育對墮胎之生命倫理態度有立即性及持續性之影響效果。 六、不同教學風格與人格特質會影響生命教育之成效。 The purpose of this research is to understand whether the students'attitudes toward abortion are determined by individual backgrounds, and to look into the effects on students' attitudes toward abortion after the integration of "Life and Self-Assertion Rights that Abortion Faces" program into the nursery course. The survey of environmental and individual elements in students'attitudes toward abortion is conducted on the third grade students of one Vocational Senior High School of Commerce in Changhua County. This research, in simulation of Solomon Four-Group Design, divides the participant students into eight groups in performing quasi-experiment design to compare the changes after pre-test, post-test, and follow-test between the experimental and comparison groups. In order not to influence the inner validity by having the same teacher teaching the students, the author co-teach with the nursery teachers of the school. Besides, the experimental group adopts the integration course, "Life and Self-Assertion Rights that Abortion Faces", while the comparison group processes the original nursery course. The author adopts the questionnaire "Abortion Issue—Ethic Attitudes", edited by Chang, Hsiang-Ling, 2003, to compare the changes after pre-test, post-test, and follow-test between the experimental and comparison groups. Descriptive statistics、two-way ANOVA and two-way ANCOVA are applied on 648 valid student questionnaires so as to examine the effects on "Ethic Attitudes toward Abortion,"resulting from arrangements with or without pre-test, with or without teaching, and the arrangement of different teachers. The research results can be concluded as follows: 1.The rate of pre-marriage activity among the third graders goes between 7.3-15.7 percent. 2.Teacher is the major influence over and source of abortion knowledge for the third graders. 3.Third graders'ethic attitudes toward abortion tend to be disapproving. 4.The attention to abortion issue aroused by pre-test lasts into the stage of follow-test. 5.Integrating life education has instant and lasting impact on the third graders’ethic attitudes toward abortion 6.Different teaching styles and personalities can affect the effects of life education. |