本研究主要目的是在規畫國中學生家長之生死教育課程,並探討該課程對國中學生家長之影響,綜合以上研究結果提出具體建議,作為國內發展國中學生家長生死教育課程之參考。 本研究採用準實驗研究法進行前測、後測研究,以台中縣某國中30名家長為實驗組,由研究者親自擔任生死教育課程教學,每次1.5小時,共9週合計13.5小時的生死教育課程實驗處理,並以34名家長為控制組,不予任何處理。使用工具則引用曾煥棠(1997)修訂Bugen(1980-1981)之死亡因應量表,曾煥棠藉由主成份因素分析(Principal Factor Analysis)及Varimax轉軸法得七因素,分別為「瀕死處理能力」、「死亡思考表達能力」、「死亡接受能力」、「增進生命意義」、「處理失落能力」、「喪葬處理能力」及「談論死亡能力」。所得之資料以獨立樣本單因子共變數分析進行統計分析。此外,並藉由「課程總回饋表」做為評量此生死教育課程實施成效之輔佐工具。 本研究結果,歸納如下:一、生死教育課程之介入,對於國中學生家長之死亡因應能力具有正向的影響。實驗組與控制組家長在「死亡因應量表」上的得分達到p<.01之顯著水準,且實驗組與控制組家長在因素一至因素六各分量表上之得分皆達p<.05 以上之顯著水準,惟於因素七「談論死亡能力」分量表中,兩組得分未達顯著水準。二、生死教育課程可以有效改變國中學生家長的死亡因應能力,顯示本生死教育課程方案具有教學成效,適合國中學生家長採用。三、家長最喜歡的生死教育課程教學方式為「影片欣賞」,其次為「說故事」,排列第三為「小組討論」。 The main purpose of this study is to plan and implement the life-and-death education program suitable for junior high school students’ parents as well as to explore the effects of such program on their coping ability toward death. Based on the results of the research, concrete suggestions are presented as a reference of developing life-and-death education for junior high school students’ parents. Pretest and posttest of the quasi-experimental research designs were adopted. Thirty parents were recruited as the experimental group. The researcher in person taught the life-and-death education program one and half an hour per week for 9 weeks(a total of 13.5 hours). And thirty-four parents were recruited as the control group. The instrument used in this study is Bugen’s coping with death scale which was revised by Dr. Tseng Huan Tang (1997). One-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) were conducted on each of the seven factors. Besides, the Program Feedback Form was used as an assistant tool to evaluate the performance of implementing the life-and-death education program. The following conclusions were reached in this study:1.The life-and-death-education intervention had a positive impact upon parents’ coping ability toward death. The parents in the experimental group significantly scored higher than the control group in the coping with death scale(p<.01). And the parents in the experimental group also significantly scored higher than the control group from Factor 1 to Factor 6(at least reaching p<.05). However, in Factor Seven- the ability to relate to others about death, the scores between two groups didn’t reach a significant difference. 2.According to the results of this study, this life-and-death education program is effective and suitable for junior high school students’ parents. 3.To parents, their favorite teaching approach in this life-and-death education program is video tape teaching, story telling, and group discussion. Based on the results, suggestions are made to serve as a reference for life- and- death education promoters and follow-up researchers.