本研究的目的在探討電針刺激人體中脘穴對血糖值的影響並推測可能的作用機轉。實驗分為兩組進行,先隨機將20位健康自願者分派成空腹組與葡萄糖挑戰組,每組有10位受試者。空腹組是探討電針對於空腹血糖與胰島素值的影響,每位受試者接受兩次隨機分派的試驗且試驗間隔超過一個星期:1)對照試驗:電極片貼於中脘穴及其下方1公分處的皮膚上,接上韓氏穴位暨神經刺激器,但不通電刺激;2)電針試驗:穴位同對照試驗,針刺後給予15Hz/2mA交流電刺激30分鐘。受試者於試驗前、試驗完成時與試驗完成後30分鐘,抽靜脈血檢查血糖與血清胰島素濃度。葡萄糖挑戰組是探討在口服葡萄糖情況下電針對血糖與胰島素值的影響,實驗流程皆同於空腹組,唯受試者在試驗前需迅速喝下100毫升含有25%葡萄糖的溶液。研究結果顯示:在空腹狀態下,電針刺激30分鐘可以降低血糖值,降低幅度為3.1±1.1%,不過觀察30分鐘後血糖值即回復,而電針對空腹狀態下的胰島素值並沒有明顯影響。在口服葡萄糖挑戰下,電針並無法增加胰島素的分泌也無法抑制血糖的驟升。我們的結論是:15Hz/2mA電針刺激正常人中脘穴可以短暫降低空腹下的血糖值,其降糖作用與胰島素沒有關係,其機轉須進一步的研究。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the response of blood glucose to electroacupuncture (EA) stimulation at the Zhongwan acupoint (CV12) in humans and to deduce possible mechanisms. Twenty healthy adult volunteers were randomly divided into two groups: fasting group and glucose challenge group. Each group consisted of ten volunteers. In fasting group, we investigated the effect of EA on fasting plasma glucose and serum insulin levels. Two assessments were performed randomly and separated by an interval of at least one week as follows: 1) Control assessment: a pair of electrodes were placed on the surface of the Zhongwan acupoint and the non-acupoint 1 cm below. Then the electrodes were connected to an electronic stimulator (HANS, LY-257) without delivering electrical current throughout the test. 2) EA assessment: needle acupuncture was performed at the same locations as control assessment, and then electrical stimulation (15Hz/2mA) was applied for 30 minutes. For testing blood glucose and insulin concentrations, venous blood samples were taken just prior to the assessment, at the termination of assessment and again 30 minutes later. The glucose challenge group was designed to investigate the effect of EA on postprandial blood glucose and insulin levels. The experiment procedures were similar to the fasting group, except all the subjects were requested to drink 100ml 25% glucose water before assessment. The results demonstrated that the fasting blood glucose level decreased by 3.1±1.1% at the termination of EA assessment, but returned to pre-assessment level after 30 minutes. The fasting insulin level was not significantly changed by EA stimulation. In the glucose challenge group, EA could neither augment insulin secretion, nor inhibit the increase in blood glucose. In conclusion, 15Hz/2mA EA stimulation at the Zhongwan acupoint could temporarily decrease fasting blood glucose level, but the hypoglycemic effect was not insulin-related. Further studies will be needed to clarify the mechanism of action.