本研究以台中縣政府與台中縣童子軍協會合作案為例,共同推動童子軍教育活動,探討其互動過程的各項議題及內容,並以各國民中小學參與童子軍教育活動的教師為受訪對象,驗證教師對此公私協力推動的教育活動成果是否滿意,此等公私協力關係是否有存在的必要。在政府與童軍協會公私協力關係個案實證分析結果,可知其互動模式為整合依附型,且表現在投入資源、溝通往來程度與控制機制等變數上。 在參與教師對公私協力關係工作滿意度分析方面,比較國中、小學教師工作滿意度之差異,據整體平均分數觀之,具有顯著差異,其差異表現在學校童軍教育政策(如提供野外訓練活動的滿意度、童軍教育運動方式的滿意度、有助童軍課程教學內容、方法及技巧提升、教育主管機關重視、專業知識可以勝任)及人際互動與支持(如學生家長的支持、學校同仁、行政人員與主管的支持)等方面,綜合探討之,地方政府與地方童軍協會之公私協力關係仍有存在的價值,且國中、小教師在各工作滿意度上仍具顯著差異。在國中、小教師人口統計變數差異方面,取得木章數、是否曾參加童子軍教育運動、擔任教師工作的年資、與擔任童子軍服務工作的年資等變數,國中、國小教師具顯著差異。 本研究給地方政府之建議為童子軍教育運動應持續在學校推動,且因政府人力、財力有限,民間資源無窮,故應積極尋求民間資源或與非營利事業組織合作,來推動各項教育活動。給台中縣童子軍協會的建議為尋求財務自主、推展社區童軍、及加強辦理各項研習、及木章基本訓練、木章訓練等以培育優秀童軍服務人員及領導人才等。 The study focuses on local government administrations and association of the local scouts work together to move education of scout movement. We discuss the key and successful elements of public- private partnership interaction model .And then, we survey teachers' job satisfaction in junior high schools and elementary schools. The research shows that public- private partnership interaction model between local government administrations and association of the local scouts work together is meaningful and valuable . According to analytic efforts, public- private partnership interaction model is an integrated dependence type with three important elements: input resources, degree of communication, and control mechanism . We compare the difference of job satisfaction with teachers in junior high schools and elementary schools. The total mean of job satisfaction, has significant difference. Also, There are significant differencey in: demographic statistics between teachers in junior high schools and elementary schools, having ever or not participated education of scout movement, teachers' seniority, and scout service seniority. significant difference. This study suggests that the local government should persist on promoting education of scout movement, and seek for cooperation at private sectors and NPOs. The study also gives an advice to the Scout Association of Taichung County. It suggests that the association should pursue financial independence, and promote the activities of community scout groups, hold related seminars, provide basic and advanced trainers courses, thus, to reinforce scout leadership and scouter quality and resource.