近年來老人照護產業的快速變遷,勢將潛在威脅老人福利機構既有業務之成長,機構式照護市場供需趨平衡、推陳出新、同業競爭激烈,若不作創新的策略管理思維不利業務經營,亦無法適時滿足市場需求。 本論文旨在探討國內老人福利機構目前發展趨勢、及瞭解長期照護機構在經營與運作上可能存在的問題;並就長期照護機構之組織經營績效,建構一套適用於長期照護機構之經營策略與行動方案。 在本個案研究中,乃以台閩地區各縣市老年人口分布比率較高之雲嘉地區(離島除外)某長期照護機構為研究之對象。在研究方法上,採Kaplan and Norton的平衡計分卡作為組織績效評估的工具,並以個案研究方式,就個案機構作參與式觀察以瞭解內部運作狀況、進行個案機構之SWOT分析,以及與個案機構管理者及員工進行訪談,瞭解個案長期照護機構對績效評估之觀點,篩選出具代表性之組織績效衡量指標,建構個案長期照護之平衡計分卡。 在本研究中,個案長期照護機構建構之平衡計分卡共選取21個績效指標,設定其重要性、權重、目標值以及行動方案。為個案長期照護機構定位出明確的存在價值與核心的優勢能力,進而找出清楚的管理組織績效的方向。在本研究中發現,個案長期照護機構之管理者及其所屬員工,追求的是「住民及其家屬導向」的人性化經營理念,並以住民及其家屬的心情感受為主導,而任何的工作理念與所有決策都從住民及其家屬的觀點出發。並加強在職員工知識之提升,針對緊急、突發情事之預防,不定期擬妥教育訓練課程,並依計劃內容確實執行。再依據業務需要,提供具有「技術性」、「特殊性」、「專業性」之課程的加強。另對於如何在住民及其家屬滿意和機構經營的成本間做有效的兼顧,達到降低營運成本同時提高住民照護服務品質的目標,是經營管理者必須努力的方向。 是以,個案長期照護機構應在對於如何維持照護水準、強化組織運作、加強文件建檔與資訊化管理、取得社會較高評價等各項構面中,加強組織的運作與績效管理;而政府主管機關對老人福利政策與措施中,亦應加強執行並協助長期照護機構,共同推動各項老人福利措施,以增進老人照護與管理品質,則是政府與經營管理者所應共同努力的目標。 The aim of this research is to explore the domestic trends of elder care institutions and understand the potential problems for management and operation in long-term nursing homes. In addition, we will establish management strategies and action programs applied to these institutions. Balanced scorecard invented by Kaplan and Norton is adopted as a tool for evaluations on organizational performance. Through a case study and participant observation, the information of operation of the institution is given. Moreover, SWOT analysis and interviews with the manager and employees give the ideas for the evaluations of long-term nursing homes. According to the above, the indicators for organizational performance are selected and the balanced scorecard for the long-term nursing is constructed. This research finds that the manager and employees in the long–term nursing home pursue "residents and their families oriented" in management, and the works and strategies are based on the feelings and advantages of the residents and their families. Furthermore, the knowledge of employees is enhanced. Also, to cope with unexpected emergency, the training programs and plans are held irregularly. Depending on the demands of the tasks of employees, the institution offer "technical", "special" and "professional" programs for their employees. Besides, the balance between the satisfaction of the residents as well as their families, and costs for operation and management is taken into consideration. To decrease the operation and management costs and increase the service quality for the residents are the goals for the manager of the institution.