聯合國自1948年展開第一次維和行動至今已逾58年,維和行動從原本的「維持和平」一直演進到目前的「重建和平」,並實際對於深陷於戰亂中的國家或區域的重建已有顯著的成效。2001年9月11日,美國本土遭逢了建國後首次的攻擊(除了南北戰爭),迫使美國對於「反恐」的策略趨於「積極地消弭恐怖主義的勢力,以謀求美國人民免於恐懼的自由。」因此,美國不顧聯合國的反對,先後出兵攻打阿富汗及伊拉克,而後者的戰役持續至今。筆者在報紙、電視媒體及網路中,常可以看到伊拉克戰後千瘡百孔、人民顛沛流離的景象。然而目前戰爭已獲初步的控制,美國及國際非政府組織當務之急是解決伊拉克境內的人道危機。當然重建和平的工作不僅只有解決伊拉克當地的民生問題,伊拉克的民選政府的建立及直後的施政更是有待國際社會持續投入關心。上述種種重建工作需要投入大量人力、物資及資金,而單單仰賴美國政府的援助,不僅使得重建工作期程速度緩慢,也將遭致干預內政之議;此時從事人道救援的國際非政府組織將可在重建和平工作中扮演重要的角色。緣此,本文將從聯合國維和行動談起,衍伸至伊拉克戰爭後的維和任務,以及觀察國際非政府組織在伊拉克的人道救援行動,並進一步釐清兩者合作的可行性。 UN has been worked on peace-keeping operaction for 58 years since 1948. From “peace-keeping” to “peace-building”, UN did remarkable outcomes for the countries and regions in the turmoil of war. In 2001, Sept. 11th, America encountered the first attack since they founded (except American Civil War). It forced America’s anti-terrorism policy moving towards “to eliminate the terrorism positively and protect American having the freedom to free from fear.” Hence, America ignored UN’s dissent to fight with Afghanistan and Iraq and the war with Iraq haven’t finished yet. On Newspaper, TV and Internet, the writer always saw ruins and ravages everywhere and people lost their house after the war. US and International non-govenmental organizations should first deal with Iraqi humanitarian crises, even though the war has been controlled preliminary. The reconstruction work only focus on the problem of living support. To rebuild the new popularly elected government and its administration afterwards is also should to beconcern by Iraqi peoples. The reconstruction needs a lot of manpower, materials and money. Depending on the support from US governmental only will slower the process of reconstruction and have a controversy on intervening domestic affairs; therefore, the international non-governmental organization plays an important role in humanitarian aid. Here, the writer will discuss the peace-keeping operaction performed by UN, and the peace-keeping operation after the war of Iraq. Moreover, the writer will observe the humanitarian assistance performed by international non-governmental organization in Iraq and observe the cooperation possibility between the UN and the international non-governmental organizations.