就業問題對社會中的所有人都很重要,其中當然也包含身心障礙者,但社會的競爭環境中,常常會因為身心障礙者身體上的損傷而拒絕他們,這對於身心障礙者而言是不夠公平的;而研究者長期與聽障朋友相處的過程中,也發現這樣的問題,尤其在多數企業都認為聽障朋友溝通是有困難的情況下,為什麼有單位不是法令規範下,須強制定額雇用的機構,卻願意排除歧見僱用聽障呢?這是研究者想要了解的。 所以本研究以台北市非義務定額僱用機關進用聽覺機能障礙者之雇主為研究對象,其目的是為瞭解台北市非義務定額僱用機關進用聽覺機能障礙者的僱用情形、僱用意願之相關因素、僱用所面臨的困難、解決方式與期望,以及希望透過研究,讓社會了解聽覺機能障礙者,也希望聽障朋友能更了解競爭社會中,企業主對於聽障者工作的期待,相信知己知彼,能更有利聽覺機能障礙者在就業職場中持續的成長。 而為了達到研究的目的,本文採用質化研究方法,透過訪談與文獻檢索蒐集研究所需資料,再透過次級資料分析方法與內容分析法,分別加以探討,而研究結果如下: 一、對非義務定額僱用機關願意僱用聽覺機能障礙者之因素部分 就訪談的資料分析結果發現,非義務定額僱用機關願意僱用聽覺機能障礙者的因素有雇主個人特質、社會考量、企業經營考量、安全與環境的限制及特殊考量等,但基本上是受雇主個人特質的影響,因中小型企業任用決定權,多還是掌握在雇主,雇主的意願影響最大。 二、對非義務定額僱用機構在僱用聽覺機能障礙者所面臨的困難、解決方式部分 對雇主訪談的調查中發現,雇主認為僱用聽覺機能障礙者時,有面臨到認知觀念落差、溝通不良、工作態度不夠積極、小團體(同儕影響)及同事間相處不佳的情形。而在問題解決上,認知觀念落差上靠溝通;溝通問題上若無法以口語時,靠筆談、網際網路或公佈欄方式做改善;工作態度的問題,除了持續溝通外,會建議採契約化方式解決;小團體的問題則靠事前溝通、事後預防,或團體責任制加以解決;同事相處問題,便靠提高了解、增加共同參與感、強化溝通管道等方式,予以改善。 最後,研究者依研究分析結果與相關資料,對於在職場中或欲求職的聽覺機能障礙者、政府與雇主提出下列建議: 一、聽覺機能障礙者部分 (一)工作心態及生活心態的調整 (二)持續學習、增加競爭力 (三)建立生涯規劃的概念 (四)適時投資自己、建立理財觀念 二、政府方面的建議 (一)提升大眾的認知-正面宣導身心障礙議題及有關政策 (二)建立資源及資訊提供的管道 (三)改善聽障者教育體制,增加外界學習手語管道,創造無形無障礙空間 (四)提高身心障礙者就業保障 (五)輔具發展與協助 (六)建議政府補助審核流程應加快或簡化,以質代量 (七)對雇主提高獎勵,強調社會責任,以鼓勵替代處罰 三、雇主方面的建議 (一)提高接納度 (二)了解代替同情,給予正面的觀念,減少同情 (三)協助溝通,適時擔任聽障員工與職場其他員工的橋樑 (四)建立諮詢管道,尋找與聽覺機能障礙員工間的溝通管道 (五)職務再設計,發掘適合聽障者新工作 (六)成功經驗分享 Being able to be employed is important to most people in the modern society. It is not only unequal to exclude the disabled from the labor market just because of their disadvantages in their physical and mental states, on the one hand, but also uneconomical to the society as a whole since their human resources cannot be appropriately utilized. In this thesis certain aspects concerning the working conditions and employment opportunities for the hearing impaired are investigated and explored. Since hiring the disabled is not mandated for small and medium enterprises, why do some enterprises employ the hearing impaired? Do employers hire the hearing impaired because of charitable causes, or do they think it is more economic to do so? These are the questions raised by the thesis. From a theoretical point-of-view the purposes of this thesis are two-fold. Firstly, how is the current situation in hiring the hearing impaired among small and medium enterprises? Secondly, what are the factors that contribute to employers’ decisions in employing the hearing impaired? On the other hand, the results from this study can also be applied to managerial and policy contexts. After reviewing the literature, the thesis used a sample of enterprises in Taipei City to test the proposed model. Interviews and Content analysis are then applied to the collected data. Findings from the study are as follows: 1.Factors leading to hiring the hearing impaired for non-mandatory employment in S&M enterprises: (1)employer's characteristics, society-oriented kindness, cost consideration, security and restriction of the environment.(2)employer's characteristics are the most influencial predictors. 2.Obstacles in employing the hearing impaired: communications between the hearing impaired and the other workers , work attitudes among the hearing impaired, social interaction skills. Suggestions based on the findings: 1. To the hearing impaired:(1)a change in attitudes towards work ethics (2)increase competitiveness in the labor market(3)career planning and human resource investment 2. To the government:(1)promotion for disability employment (2)provide necessary resources and information (3)promote sign language among the public(4)increase employers’ incentives(5)develop assistive devices and technology in the work environment 3. To employers:(1)consider charitable and economic causes simultaneously(2)invest in assistive devices and technology to improve productivities (3)Job redesign(4)Sharing of successful experiences