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    题名: 唐代文人與琴文藝之初探
    其它题名: A Study on Chin Literati's Art in Tang Dynasty
    作者: 林致妘
    Lin, Chin-yun
    貢獻者: 美學與藝術管理研究所
    Ching-chin Chang
    关键词: 唐代文人;唐代琴家;唐代詩歌;唐代古琴
    Literati of Tang Dynasty;Guqin of Tang Dynasty;Guqin players of Tang Dynasty;Poems of Tang Dynasty
    日期: 2006
    上传时间: 2015-08-04 11:27:34 (UTC+8)
    摘要:   琴樂在音樂歷史中,一直承襲著中國古老的傳統,且不斷地發展與延續,並反映出當時的社會生活。在唐代藝術中,更是創造出一片燦爛輝煌的成就。唐代科舉制度開辦,造就文學氣息鼎盛,琴樂能於唐代蓬勃發展,「詩」、「樂」交融,功歸於統治者的喜好,文人琴家的努力,上行下效,使之盛行於唐。    由於唐代「尚文」制度,文人、詩樂與文學同具重要地位,詩歌、文學是文人語言、思想的表現形式,也是情感寄託的方法之一。琴樂對唐代文人而言,不只是情緒抒發,更是生活中知己的對話。“詩歌”是中國文學瑰寶,“琴樂”是中國音樂寶庫,「琴」牽繫文人情感,在文學與琴弦藝術交心融合,只有於唐代文人生活裡能一覽無遺。   雖然唐代是琴樂活躍時期,但它不是一個單獨存在的時代,它依舊承襲過去傳統,才能造就出唐代琴曲風格特有色彩。唐代文化受外來文化衝擊,蘊育唐人的開放、包容心兼併,開拓唐代文人琴家思維視野,故本文試圖由唐代文人與唐代社會文化層面出發,進而探視唐代文人的生命觀、游藝觀、文學觀等意態表現,如何呈示於琴樂上的視、聽審美意趣,而反映於琴樂創編、唐琴制作和譜式三方面:一、紮實的琴樂學術論著,創作出許多歷久彌新的琴曲,形成唐代琴樂的獨特時代風格,探究其承先啟後之影響。二、唐琴的「蒼勁圓潤」作風為唐代「琴」與「琴樂」同時呈現出「音」、「形」的視、聽藝術。三、創立「減字譜」,不但提昇琴譜保存價值,更為琴樂的音與形,奠定其特殊的符號意義。
      In the history of music, Guqin Music (seven stringed instrument) inherited the ancient Chinese traditions and continued to develop and reflect the social lifestyle at the time. It was prospered with outstanding achievements during Tang Dynasty. The imperial examination system encouraged literature studies. The flourishing of Guqin music being both "poetic" and "pleasurable" was contributed to ruling party preference. Literati and Guqin player devotion set good examples to make Guqin music popular during Tang.      As a result of "Literature System" developments, literati, Chinese poem music and literature shared equal importance. Poems and literature are expressions of literati language and thoughts , to "belong" emotionally. To literati of Tang Dynasty, Guqin not only allowed one to "freely express his emotions", it was even like dialogues between soul mates in daily life. "Poetic songs" are treasures in Chinese literature. "Guqin music"is the treasure chamber of Chinese music, "Guqin" pulled strings for literati sentiments. This heart to heart blend of Guqin string and art could only be felt in a literati's life during Tang dynasty.    Although Tang Dynasty was the prime time of Guqin music, it was not the only era it has been in existence. It continued the past traditions to create the unique Guqin musical style of Tang Dynasty. Tang culture was subject to foreign cultural impacts but it was because of it, people of Tang showed openness, and tolerance. Literati and Guqin players of Tang possessed great vision and brilliant ideas. Thus, based on literati , social and cultural aspects of Tang , the life concept of Tang literati, art & senses, and views on literature ideologies were expressed through "visual" "audio" aesthetic implications. This in term is reflected in three aspects of Guqin music composition, Guqin of Tang production and reduced notation: 1. solid Guqin music scholastic works include plenty of ever lasting Guqin music created forming a unique style of Tang. Discussions were made on the influences. 2. the "sophisticated and smooth" style of "Qin" and "Guqin music" simultaneously presented the "sound" and "form" of audiovisual art. 3. Invention of "Jianzi Pu (notion of reduced characters) helped increase the value of Guqin notation book preservation, it also had special symbolic implications for the "sound" and "form" of Guqin music.
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