本研究係針對布魯樂谷親水主題樂園之遊客,就該樂園提供之各項服務設施進行問卷調查。問卷設計係以Parasuraman、Zeithaml及Berry (PZB)所提出的SERVQUAL量表為基礎,以便利抽樣方式實施調查,總計回收有效樣本數為314份。研究所採之方法主要以描述性統計分析、單因子變異數分析、因素分析、重要表現程度分析法、迴歸分析。研究結果發現:1.布魯樂谷之遊客,主要以16~25歲之學生族群居多,遊客之教育程度有近六成五為專科與大學,遊客居住地主要分佈在高雄縣市,將近四成之遊客有三次以上的主題樂園遊玩經驗,將近五成為首次到布魯樂谷遊玩,而遊客來布魯樂谷遊玩之資訊來源主要以媒體廣告居多。2.在遊客期望與滿意度之重要-表現程度分析方面,建議園區業者應該加強改善的服務為:園區整體清潔度、園區呈現加勒比海熱帶風情的主題意象、服務人員針對不同的遊客提供不同的服務。在迴歸分析方面,遊樂設施的吸引力會顯著影響遊客之整體滿意度、重遊意願及推薦親友之行為意向。 The purpose of this research is to analyze the perceived service quality and satisfaction of Blue Lagoo Water Park visitors. The service attributes of the Park were identified according to the PZB model. By way of convenience sampling, a total number of 314 valid samples were collected. The data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics analysis, one-way ANOVA, factor analysis, Importance-Performance analysis, and multiple regression. The results are as follows. Students aged 16 to 25 made up the major component of the park’s visitors. Among all the visitors, 65% have a college/university degree. Most of the visitors are from Kaohsiung city/county, around 40% of visitors have been to a theme park three times or more, and for approximately 50% of visitors, it was their first time to Blue Lagoo Water Park. Most of the visitors learned about the Park through media advertisement. The Importance-Performance analysis suggests the Park should focus on for future improvement these service attributes: 'cleanness of the Park', 'image of the Caribbean Sea', and 'different service provided to meet the needs of different customers '. The multiple regression analysis indicates that attraction of recreational facilities significantly influences the overall satisfaction of visitors, willingness to revisit and recommendation to others.