從1997至今以來短短10年之間,國內專職SOHO的人數已達20至30萬人,若加計兼差的SOHO族,更在百萬以上。專家指出,SOHO族年齡不但有年輕化趨勢,未來還可能成為就業市場主流。由此可見國內的SOHO族呈現日益成長的趨勢。但是,到底這些SOHO族都是從事什麼樣的工作性質?他們是在什麼樣的動機下選擇進入SOHO族領域?他們具有什麼樣的競爭優勢?他們從事SOHO工作現況為何?是否需要具備某些條件才能勝任SOHO的工作方式?以及他們對人力市場有何影響性?就是本研究探討的重點。 本文以人力彈性的興起、企業外包的趨勢、知識工作者的觀點、網際網路的快速發展,帶出人力市場的改變,最後藉由訪談5位SOHO族來探討SOHO族對我國人力市場的影響。 Since 1997 the domestic professional SOHO population has reached from 200000 to 300000 in short ten years, even more than millions if the part-time SOHO included. Some experts pointed out, the SOHO age is going to be younger and they will become the mainstream of the employment market in the future. Thus it shows a tendency that the domestic SOHO go on growing day by day. However, we’d like to explore what kinds of jobs do these SOHO do? What are their motives of choosing to be a SOHO? What kinds of competitive advantages do they have? What’s the current working situation that these SOHO meet? And are there any special requirements for people who are able to be SOHO? Finally, what are the effects of SOHO on the manpower market? Above are the key point discussions of the study. This study starts from illustrating the emergent manpower flexibility, the trend of outsourcing, the knowledge worker, and the fast development of Internet, bringing about the change of the manpower market to discussing about SOHO influence on the manpower market in Taiwan by five SOHO case.