近年來,臺灣出版業快速發展,本研究主要目的在發展臺灣本土化之出版業組織創新的評量工具,能有助於出版業對本身組織創新能力的衡量及做為公司改善創新管理規劃與執行之指導方針與依據。量表發展的步驟,除相關文獻的探討外,並參酌國內學者專家、企業實務界的意見,歸納及選擇衡量指標,發展初步評量構面與量表題項。正式量表之信度考驗採用Cronbach's α係數、Item-Total Correlation 係數,來檢定量表內部一致性程度及其穩定性。在效度方面,除題項講究量表的內容效度以外,並以國內蔡啟通(1997)發展的「組織創新量表」為效標,進行典型相關分析,驗證本量表的同時效度;而在建構效度方面則以線性結構關係(LISREL ;Linear Structure Relation)模式的次模式,作驗證性因素分析(CFA ; Confirmatory Factor Analysis),驗證本量表十四個衡量構面與五十一個題目的模式適配度。藉由驗證量表的效度與信度,除可作為國內出版業評量企業組織創新的有效工具外,亦可作為後續研究者對出版業組織創新的參考與建立相關量表之基礎。 In recent years, the publish industry develops very fast. The main purpose of this study is to develop Taiwan localization and suitable inventory for the measurement organizational innovation in publish industry. In review of relevant literatures, and with reference to opinions from scholars and practical experience from enterprises, the framework of the inventory would be initially established. Concerning the inventory reliability, Cronbach's α coefficient, Item-Total and correlation coefficient have been employed to test the extent of internal consistency and the stability of the inventory. On validity, the Chinese version of organizational innovation questionnaire translated from Tsai(1997)was used as a criterion to perform Canonical correlation analysis to verify the inventory concurrent validity. In the construction of validity, Linear Structure Relation was adopted to carry out confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The suitability and fitness of the fourteen dimensions and 51 questions have been thus verified. As a result, this inventory with adequate validity and reliability can serve as effective instrument for the measurement of organizational innovation in domestic publish industry. The results of this study may also propose suggestions and references to the future researchers.