隨著資訊科技的快速發展,圖書市場呈現不同階段的供需模式,虛擬通路無地域性且全天候運作的特質,配合讀者隨時隨地的選購圖書商品,提供不同的消費選擇以及資訊蒐集的便利性,帶動圖書出版業的革新。消費者同時運用實體與虛擬通路購物,已然成為趨勢,這也是實體通路所無法超越的優勢,虛擬通路所衍生的商機和市場潛力,除了消費行為的改變,亦快速而廣泛地影響整個出版產業結構。 本研究使用問卷調查法(Questionaire Survey),收集有效樣本143份,以加採虛擬通路之圖書出版業為研究對象,再根據Kaplan & Norton提出之平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard) 觀點,以財務、顧客、企業內部流程及學習成長四個衡量構面做為績效評估之工具,分析其績效目標與衡量尺度間的關係,並探討原採實體通路的圖書出版業在加採虛擬通路後之滿意度與經營績效的差異為何;加採虛擬通路對圖書出版業的重要程度情形;以及四個衡量構面的績效指標中對組織重要性及績效滿意程度兩者間的差異性為何。資料分析工具,以次數分配百分比、因素分析、單因子變異數分析、t檢定及Scheffe比較分析等統計分法,針對蒐集之樣本資料進行分析。 本研究結果發現:具不同特徵之圖書出版業認為加採虛擬通路對組織的重要程度及滿意程度大多數呈現顯著差異;四個衡量構面中對組織的重要性程度均顯著高於實際績效滿意程度。 With the quick development of information technology, the books market presents different periods of models for supply and demand. Virtual channel, with the advantages of overall distribution and full-time operation, makes the purchasers of books be able to receive the information of the books and buy what they want anytime anyplace. Such an improvement is the revolution for the publishing industry, when the purchasers can make their deals with the sellers by virtual channel. The physical channel in traditional industry does not have these advantages, so it cannot possess the potential market and the business opportunities that visual channel provides. Therefore, the transformation of purchase behavior greatly affects the structure of publishing industry. The tool used by this research is Questionnaire Survey, with the collection of 143 samples that reveal the working of both physical and virtual channels. The theory of Balanced Scorecard (Kaplan & Norton) stands as the basis of this research to examine four aspects including financial perspectives, internal business process, innovation and learning. This study wants to find the growth of performance of making benefit and to know the relationship of such performance and measurement. Therefore, This study includes three topics: the difference between the traditional publishing industry and the publishing industry with virtual channels that focus themselves on the terms above; the difference that results in the satisfaction of making benefit within the new publishing industry; the importance of the four terms mentioned above for the publishing industry. The tools for analyzing these data includes frequency analysis, factor analysis, ANOVA, t-test analysis and Scheffe method. The results of this research are as follows: the traditional publishing industries with different structures have obvious improvement in the performance of satisfaction and benefiting when they used the virtual channel; and all the four terms (which involves the interaction of physical and virtual channels) themselves result in higher importance than the satisfaction for the industries.