本研究主要在探討參與音樂律動成長營活動對於小學五年級學童在行為困擾問題的輔導成效。本研究從嘉義縣某國小五年級全體學生以「行為困擾量表」選出總分得分最高的20位學生,隨機分組至實驗組與對照組,每組各10位。實驗組之組員連續接受每週2次,每次40分鐘,共計10次,總時數為400分鐘的音樂律動小團體輔導治療活動。對照組除接受一般正常上課課程外,皆不接受其他輔導治療活動。而實驗研究期間研究主持人、家長及導師進行前測(基線期)及後測(5週)評量,實驗組及對照組組員進行前測、後測及追蹤(課程結束後6週)評量的分析。 本研究以「行為困擾量表」為主要評量工具,探討音樂律動成長營活動在「自我關懷」、「身心發展」、「學校生活」、「人際關係」及「家庭生活」五個項目上,於經過10次的課程後及於課程結束後六週的成效。另外,於課程前後亦配合改編的問卷「單元活動回饋表」、「音樂律動體驗營總回饋表」及自編的問卷「教師回饋表」、職能治療室提供的「小孩活動量問卷」為評量實驗成效之佐證。 研究結果發現小學五年級學童參加音樂律動成長營的課程後,「自我關懷」、「身心發展」、「學校生活」、「人際關係」及「家庭生活」及「行為困擾總分」皆呈顯著性正向的改變(p<0.01)。課程結束後六週的調查發現課程仍有持續並顯著之成效(p<0.001)。 The main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of participating in a Music Movement Growth Camp in fifth grade pupils with disturbed behavior. Twenty pupils who scored highest in a Behavioural Disturbance Scale among all fifth grade pupils in an elementary school in Chiayi county were selected and randomly divided into a control group and an experimental group. Members of the experimental group were arranged to participate in a Music Movement Growth Camp which consisted of small group activity with music movement session of 40 minutes in duration twice a week for five weeks (a total of 400 minutes). Members of the control group continued their regular class work with no additional intervention. The main instrument used for measuring disturbed behaviour in the pupils was the Behavioural Disturbance Scale which consists of five areas of disturbed behaviour including self-care, physical and mental development, school life, interpersonal relationship, and family life. In addition, questionnaires designed to measure feedback from the teachers, the parents and the study researcher were administered before and after the five-week Music Movement Growth Camp. Results showed that there were significant improvements in all five areas of disturbed behavior (self-care, physical and mental development, school life, interpersonal relationship, and family life) in pupils who participated in the five-week Music Movement Growth Camp (p<0.01) compared to the control group. The improvement remained significant six weeks after the completion of the Camp (p<0.001).