在面臨新世紀藝術教育的變遷,多元化的藝術教育理念不斷地被引進,帶來許多的社會變革。教育的目的是為了幫助下一代具備在新世紀中獲得充實能力,藝術賦予人一套視覺符號系統,藉此系統能創造出更複雜細膩的藝術文化。藝術活動可以使社區民眾在思考和行動時變得更有可塑性,教育融入社區文化環境中,將有助於培養民眾文化認同。十餘年來政府單位藉由推動藝術節活動讓民眾凝聚社區意識,以居住的「社區」關懷為出發點,發展多元的文化觀。 「師大地區」因台灣師範大學所形成的社區文化,可提供民眾的社區藝術教育條件不少。且配合已有十多年歷史的師大藝術節,常帶給社區多樣的藝術活動。並誕生了重要藝術教育空間「師大藝術公園」。本文以質性研究的方法探討及評估此活動之藝術教育內容對社區民眾的認同價值之影響。 本文以公共空間使用與社區藝術教育的角度,對於文化環境的社區與藝術教育角色綜觀性的描述。體認各種環境的變化下,各種混亂及失序的現象,因此,文化環境要針對全人教育與意識凝結的角度去思考。以人文情懷重新建構新世紀的台灣生活態度與認知脈絡。 The ever changing concepts and the continual introduction of multiculturalism in art education have ignited many revolutions in our society. Education, aiming to teach the next generations to adapt to the changing world, has developed art education to enrich our perception with visual/semiotic systems that are the basis of sophsicated arts and cultures. Art activities inspire the public to think more creatively through action and articipation, moreover, to identify their own culture and community. Over the past decades, the government has organized many art events and festivals as a tool to solidate community consciousness with diverse values. The unique community culture of the Shih-Da area, largely shaped by the NTNU and its affiliated institute, is given many advantages of such a function. Staged at the park for over than ten years, the annual Shih-Da Art Festival has faciliated the birth of the Shih-Da Art Park. This thesis describes and evaluates the art festival's influence on community onsciousness and identification with qualitative research. This study discusses the role and the obligation of art education through public spaces and suggests that, in the cultural disorder of today, art education should be holistic, and the reconstruction of a new attitude relies only on our humanistic concerns.