摘要: | 國防部於民國85年12月提出「國軍軍事組織及兵力調整規劃」案(簡稱「精實案」),大幅裁減軍事單位,致使兵員過剩情形日益嚴重,部分役男無法如期入營,影響役男就學及就業之權益。為有效運用超額役男,增進政府公共服務能力,並兼顧國家安全及宗教自由的情形下,我國參考歐洲各國社會役制度,研擬實施替代役制度。 行政院文化建設委員會於民國89年起,配合政府實施替代役的政策,規劃徵服替代役男協助文化服務及社區營造工作。由於目前國內對於文化服務役制度之執行,尚未進行相關之檢討或成效評估,本研究嘗試從現況實務作業及績效評估之學理,進行文化服務役男制度成效之研究。 基於上述的動機,本文針對嘉義地區文化服務替代役現況做一深入研究,探討該制度之執行狀況,主要研究目的如下: 一、檢討分析中央對役男的分配如何得宜,以有效提升人力資源運用。 二、調查分析文化局所屬的文化機構的服務環境與專業需求,以制定能符合所需之訓練計畫,提昇文化機構社會功能之發展。 三、調查分析役男服役期間是否能滿足本身的自我期待與成長要求,以提供各文化局對役男之管理運用,兼顧其成長及期待,營造雙贏的公共政策之參考。 四、研究文化服務替代役人員制度與改進策略,以提供日後政策修訂之參考。 本研究以文化服務役役男與文化局、文化機構承辦人員、單位主管為主要研究對象,研究範圍涵蓋嘉義縣、市及其派駐偏遠山區服務之役男,從「兵役制度」及「文化行政」等二個層面,以「服務品質」、「役男工作滿意度」、「服勤單位主管對役男工作滿意度」等三項評估指標之架構,藉由深度訪談、問卷調查及相關資料分析發現,文化局及文化機構單位主管,對於實施文化服務役制度所獲得的效益以及役男服務品質、工作滿意度均表示認同,同時認為徵服替代役男有助於「彌補」目前文化機構人力不足的現象,然替代役男專業知識不足,不具有解決民眾問題的能力,亦為影響其工作成效之重大因素。另外,文化服務役男認為目前工作的滿意度尚佳,惟認為文化服務工作與自身的專長與能力未能相符合,且對役男之未來發展並無幫助。最後提出下列結論供相關單位參考。(一)文化機構對役男需求無法滿足。(二)「專業訓練」不符實際需要。(三)服文化服務替代役無法滿足役男之成長需求。(四)人力資源運用情形待改善。(五)提升役男素質以增強文化機構未來競爭力。 The “Armed Forces Refining Program”, proposed by the Ministry of Defense on December of 1996, downsized the number of military units, creating a surplus of eligible military service male citizens and thus affecting their right to work and go to school. In order to effectively allocate the surplus of eligible male citizens, while improving the quality of civil services, the Taiwanese government has referred to Europe’s civilian services and implemented the substitute military service system. Since the year 2000, The Council for Cultural Affairs has used substitute military servicemen to assist in community empowering programs. Since there are no assessments of the cultural substitute military service system available, this research attempts to examine the system from a practical viewpoint, by using the performance appraisal method. Due to the motives abovementioned, this paper examines the ongoing situations of cultural military servicemen in the Chiayi area, with objectives of: 1. To effectively make use of human resources by reviewing and analyzing the allocations of the servicemen. 2. To enhance social functioning of cultural organizations by surveying and analyzing the work environment and professional demands of the organization. 3. To create a win-win public policy between the government and servicemen by surveying and analyzing the self-expectation and self-development demands of the servicemen. 4. To provide further reference for future policy revisions by examining the culture military servicemen system. The research targets of this paper are the cultural military servicemen and the employees of cultural organizations. The research areas include servicemen allocated to Chiayi City, Chiayi County, and the mountainous regions. The paper uses “quality of services”, “job satisfaction among servicemen”, and “supervisors’ job satisfaction toward servicemen” as its three assessment indices. The research shows that the supervisors of cultural bureaus were mostly satisfied with the benefits that the servicemen have brought, and that the servicemen make up for the shortage of civil servants. However, the servicemen usually lack professional knowledge, and fail to meet the demands of the public. On the other hand, servicemen were quite satisfied with their given job, but argue that the job contents do not match their personal ability, and that the tasks are of no help to their future development. To sum it up, five conclusions are drawn: 1. Cultural institutions were not able to meet the demands of servicemen; 2. “Professional training” was impractical; 3. Being a cultural serviceman is not helpful to finding a career; 4. Adjustment is needed for the allocation of human resources; 5. More trainings are needed for servicemen, which can also bring benefit to cultural organizations. |