本研究以報紙新聞報導作為觀察的場域,探討新的數位科技對於傳統新聞產製流程以及寫實觀念的衝擊。本研究以五個個案分析凸顯新聞室數位化後所造成的兩個面向的問題:一個面向是傳統媒體以網路作為消息來源,因守門疏失,繼而造成「假新聞」報導的個案;另一個面向則是傳統新聞媒體採用數位攝影技術,引發新聞攝影被變造的的情形。 本研究以此五個個案的分析企圖回答以下問題:數位科技特性會造就出如何的「假新聞」?再者,當以傳統新聞學上客觀、公正、反映真實的標準來檢視這些假新聞時,它們又呈現出傳統新聞機構在產製新聞過程中的哪些漏洞? 依據二手資料分析的結果顯示:數位科技的被使用,一方面造成假事件的報導,另一方面突顯了新聞機構產製新聞過程上的問題。新聞機構在產製新聞的過程中,新聞從業人員的專業迷思無所不在,新聞變成了按照一定邏輯與模式所「製作」出來的。因此,當事實情況與編輯台構想不符合之際,數位科技的特殊能力卻變成達成新聞室預設事件的捷徑。而且,這樣的新數位科技特性挑戰傳統新聞獨占的發聲權力,造成這些假新聞事件,反而解構了傳統新聞產製的迷思,突顯出產製過程的矛盾與漏洞。 The study analyzes the impact of digital technology to the traditional news production and the problematic concept of realism. With case studies of five faked reports--two of them are faked news resources from the internet, and three of them are digitally fabricated photographs, the study seeks to address the following two questions: What characterizes “faked reports” in the age of digitalized news production? And when examining these five cases according to the standard of objectivity, impartiality, and realism in traditional journalism, what are the loopholes that these five cases manifest in terms of the production logic? The study argues that digital technologies, such as the internet and digital photography, contribute to news production not only with the multiplication of faked news, but also with the problematic gate-keeping process from within or without the news institution. Digital technology challenges the authority of news institution with technologically manipulated reality, which also renders problematic the much hyped value of news professionalism