本研究目的嘗試建立以候選人條件、政府施政表現及選舉行銷策略為衡量變數探討對選民投票行為影響之整合架構,並分析其線性關係及意義,除理論建構外並以高雄市參與投票之合格選民為研究對象,依合格選民比例將高雄市11個行政區進行分層隨機抽樣取得樣本資料,其中有效樣本為211份;本研究整體模式結果顯示,經由結構方程式(SEM)的驗證,顯示本研究整體理論模式符合檢定水準,且候選人條件能直接正向的影響選舉行銷策略及投票行為,候選人條件可透過選舉行銷策略間接影響投票行為;政府施政表現能直接正向的影響選舉行銷策略及投票行為,政府施政表現可透過選舉行銷策略間接影響投票行為;選舉行銷策略能直接正向的影響投票行為。 The object of this research is setting government performance, election issues and election marketing strategy as primary variables, to analyze the integration of the variables and the effect on voting behavior. In addition, an analysis of its linear relationship and significance will be inferred. In terms of the eleven administrative districts in Kaohsiung city, the stratified random sampling is portioned with the voting population which is analyzed by SEM. There are 211 effective samples in this research. The SEM research results show that the fitness standard of the global mode and the structure fitness of the inner mode reach the statistical test level. Candidate condition can directly affect election marketing strategy and voting behavior , candidate condition through election marketing strategy can indirectly affect voting behavior;government performance can directly affect election marketing strategy and voting behavior, government performance can through election marketing strategy indirectly affect voting behavior;election marketing strategy can directly affect voting behavior.