本研究以「清境火把節」為研究對象,從舉辦單位角度探討辦理地方文化活動的關鍵成功因素。依據文獻回顧及本研究觀察,歸納舉辦地方文化活動應考量的主要因素,分為五大構面及二十項準則;經由專家諮詢問卷確立後,發展層級架構,並設計層級分析問卷。遴選曾實際參與清境火把節的舉辦單位、協力贊助單位、政府部門及學者專家等共十九位具代表性之重要資訊提供者進行問卷調查及訪談,以衡量各項因素之相對權重。 資料分析呈現,五大構面中最重要的是「活動主軸」(39%),其次為「執行能力」(29.5%),此二項合計佔總體權重之68.5%。其他三項依序為:財務規劃、行銷推廣和空間氛圍。而在二十項準則中,排序前三名最為突顯的重要因素為:核心價值(17.7%)、規劃團隊(15.4%)和主題設計(13.8%)。其後依序是:政府補助、資源整合、成本控管、人才招募、民間贊助、展演形式、組織訓練,以上十項因素合計佔整體權重之81%。 研究結果顯示,確實掌握活動核心價值,並透過俱備熱忱、專業技術與執行能力的規劃團隊,針對地方特色文化進行妥適主題設計,進而募集充裕資金,整合相關資源及擴大居民參與,為舉辦地方文化活動最關鍵的成功因素。 This research take Cingjing torch festival as an example to explore the key success factors of holding local cultural events. Through literature review and informal survey, potential factors is summarized. The first questionnaire survey was conducted to the scholars and experts to confirm the indicator. Afterward, The study establish a hierarchical structure, including 5 dimensions and 20 key factors under these dimensions. In addition, these dimensions and factors were used to design the questionnaire of Analysis Hierarchy Process. The second round questionnaire survey objects were 19 interviewees consist of the scholars, governments, event organizers and co-organizers who participated in Cingjing torch festival before. By AHP approach to investigate and calculate the global weights of the dimensions and key factors. The results indicated that "Principal axis of events" is the most important dimension of holding local cultural events, followed by "Ability to execute" , "Financial Planning", "Marketing" and "Space atmosphere". Secondly, "Core Value", "Planning Team" and "Theme Design" are the key success factors with the most significant among all the 20 factors.