摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解國中學生的課外閱讀動機、課外閱讀行為與閱讀環境的現況。並探討不同背景變項之國中學生在課外閱讀動機、課外閱讀行為與閱讀環境之差異與相關情形。為達上述目的,本研究採問卷調查法,以「嘉義縣水上國中學生課外閱讀動機、課外閱讀行為與閱讀環境調查問卷」為研究工具,並將研究所得資料採用描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析。透過研究之統計結果,歸納得知國中學生進行課外閱讀之主要動機有二點,首要是為了輔助課業與求知,其次是為了休閒娛樂。而國中學生的課外閱讀動機及課外閱讀行為兩大項皆因性別、父母親職業而有顯著差異。此外,研究結果也顯示課外閱讀行為與閱讀環境有相關性,以及課外閱讀動機對閱讀行為具有預測解釋力。最後,根據研究結果提出若干建議,提供各界先進做為參考。 The study aims to understand the extracurricular reading motivation, reading behavior, and reading environment of the students in junior high school, and to explore the differences and correlations among students' extracurricular reading motivation, reading behavior, and reading environment under different background variables. The study mainly uses the method of questionnaire survey to achieve the purposes. The questionnaire survey applied a self-arranged the questionnaire survey of the extracurricular reading motivation, reading behavior, and reading environment of the students in Shuishang Junior High School as a research instrument. The data are analyzed by way of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and regression analysis.Through the statistical results, the study found that the motivation of junior high school students' extracurricular reading is to assist their schoolwork and seek for knowledge, and the other purpose is for amusement in their leisure time. Moreover, junior high school students of different genders and different parents' occupations show significant differences in extracurricular reading motivation and behavior. Besides, the study found there is positive correlation between extracurricular reading behavior and reading environment. Also, extracurricular reading motivation could partially predict the reading behavior. Finally, based on the research result, some advice is suggested as consultation for educators, schools, teachers, and parents. |