本研究主要在探討嘉義地區國中學生參與管樂社團的動機與人際關係,為了瞭解國中生參與管樂社團的動機是否會影響其在社團中的人際關係,本研究採問卷調查法,以參與社團動機量表和人際關係量表為調查工具。並對嘉義縣、市五所國中有參與管樂社團的一至三年級學生進行問卷調查,合計發出500份問卷,實際收回470份有效問卷,所得資料以SPSS統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析。實證結果發現:在問卷中,參與管樂社團的動機和人際關係的各單題量尺分數,均達中上程度。從數據顯示增進管樂技能和同儕關係為有參與管樂社團的同學最在乎的因素;相反的,娛樂性與異性關係則為影響最輕的因素。在性別部分,女生較易受同儕關係和管樂技能的影響,而男生則較易受社交性因素的影響。住在嘉義市的學生比住在嘉義縣的學生更易受到娛樂性參與動機和異性人際關係的影響。三年級的同學最易受到管樂技能和異性關係等因素的影響。 The purpose of this research was to explore the connection between the junior high students' participation, motivation in band clubs in Chiayi and interpersonal relationship. There were five public junior high school students of band clubs partaking in the survey which includes different background variables. Out of 500 questionnaires were distributed to the pupils, and 470 valid copies were collected. The retrieval rate is 96%. After the data were processed by the ethodical way of statistical methods of reliability analysis, factor analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA,the results indicates that: There is a middle positive correlation between the aspects of participating motivation and interpersonal relationships. The band skill and the peer relationship have a great effect on the pupils;however, amusement and the sexes are the least influential. Peer relationship and band skill have significant effect on female pupils.Amusement and the sex were great influences in the pupils who live in Chiayi City than in Chiayi County. Band skill and the sexes affect the third graders the most than the graders one and two.