本研究旨在探討國小二年級學生的同儕關係、親子關係與幸福感之間的關聯性,並探究不同背景變項(性別、家庭社經地位、家庭型態)之國小低年級學生在同儕關係、親子關係與幸福感上的差易情形。 研究中以嘉義縣15所國小,共360位二年級學生為研究對象。本研究採問卷調查法進行,研究工具包含「低年級學生同儕關係量表」、「低年級學生親子關係量表」、「低年級學生幸福感量表」,並將調查獲得的資料以描述統計、t考驗、皮爾遜積差相關、單因子變異數分析與逐步多元迴歸等統計分法進行分析。茲將本研究研究結果摘要如下:1. 國小二年級學童同儕關係為中上程度。2. 國小二年級學童親子關係為中上程度。3. 國小二年級學童幸福感為中上程度。4. 國小二年級學生之同儕關係因家庭型態不同而有差異。5. 國小二年級學生的幸福感因不同家庭型態而有顯著差異。6. 國小二年級學生之幸福感因家庭社經地位不同而有差別,高社經家庭的二年級學生幸福感優於中、低社經組。7.國小二年級學生的「同儕關係」與「幸福感」大部分呈現中度正相關。8.國小二年級學生的「親子關係」與「幸福感」各層面之間大部分為中度正相關。9.國小二年級學生的同儕關係、親子關係對學生幸福感具有顯著預測力 This study aimed at the relationship among peer-relationship, parent-child relationship, and well-being for the second Grade students of elementary schools in Chia-Yi County. The questionnaires were mailed to 390 second grade students in Chia-Yi County. A total of 360 vaild samples were obtained.The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics analysis,t-test,one-way ANOVA,Pearson product-moment correlation,and step-wise multiple regression analyzed with SPSS.The major findings were summarized as follows: 1.The peer relationship of the second Grade students in elementary schools was middle-above in scale. 2.The parent-child relationship of the Grade 2 students in elementary schools is on the upper-intermediate level.3.The well-being of the Grade 2 students in elementary schools is on the upper-intermediate level.4.There was peer significant differences on the peer-relationship of the second grade students with family pattern. 5.There was significance difference on the well-being of the second Grade students in elementary schools depending with the family pattern. 6.There was significance difference on the well-being of second Grade students with social-economic background in elementary schools. 7.There was the significant positive correlation between “peer relationships” and “well-being” of the second Grade students in elementary schools. 8.There was the significant positive correlation between “family relationships” and “well-being” of the second Grade students in elementary schools.9.There was significant predictive power regarding The peer- relationships, parent-child relationships, could predict their well-being.