本研究旨在瞭解長期照顧機構住民主要照顧者的照顧歷程。透過立意取樣選取住民主要照顧者進行半結構式深度訪談,以質性研究中田野研究方法,探討主要照顧者對於家人入住機構前、後照顧歷程中所遇困境及因應方法。本研究嘗試用家庭的角度將此現象呈現並討論。歸納分析所得訪談資料,研究結果如下: 一、孝道思維模式下,照顧專業已被優先考量 孝道思維仍是左右著主要照顧者選擇照顧模式的因素之一,但更多的照顧者會從被照顧者的需要思考,檢視自己或是家庭能提供的照顧,是否能滿足被照顧者的需要,新孝道的模式已然產生,讓合適的專業角色擔任照顧工作,讓自己由其他的方式,來提供家人更適切的照顧。 二、尚未覺醒的主要照顧者 訪談中多位受訪者在提到被照顧者入住機構自己的改變時,多數出現停頓思考或是「答非所問」現象,但是在詢問家庭成員或家庭中是否有出現改變現象,這些受訪者又可以侃侃而談,並明確的指出家庭或其他成員的改變,研究者也在田野觀察現相同現象,是這樣的改變常不自覺?亦或是否被刻意忽略,待後續研究討論。 三、何處是我們的「家」?家庭角色的重新定位 因住民失能的緣故,讓他(她)從家庭的日常中活動缺席,照顧模式的改變,居住型態的改變,這一連串的改變對家庭所帶來的衝擊,需主要照顧者之間互相支持,協助彼此重新尋找新的角色定位。 本篇研究也針對1.主要照顧者;2.專業人員;3.研究方面提出建議。 As an aging population quickly increases, the demands of long-term geriatric care are also growing enormously. Because of the shift in modern society, family members face the dilemma in providing long-term care for their elders., advance of medical technology and rapid change of social-economic structure, “institution placement” for disabled elders has become a difficult experience for most families. This study aimed at describing the coping experience of caregiver families of role adaptation, change of family boundary and resources development under the family system viewpoint and Chinese. was used to analyze interview data from 22 primary caregivers with their disable elderly institutionalized experience from October of 2013.The findings indicated that family adaptation experience can be categorized to: 1. Under piety of thinking, caring professionals has been first priority. 2. Awareness primary caregivers 3. Where is our "Family;Home"? Repositioning family roles. The findings of this study can help the long-term care staff to understand the family experience of placing the elderly in the nursing home. Then based on this understanding, they can provide emotional support and substantive help to their clients’ maintain the continuity of the family system. This holistic care model will be able to encourage family members more involvement in nursing care to improve the quality of elderly care. In addition, the finding can provide some points of reference for future research.