本初探性研究旨在探討康復中酒癮者的生活世界,採立意取樣,以台灣戒酒無名會會員為研究對象。研究者以半結構題綱進行深度訪談與田野參與觀察,採取詮釋現象學的研究取逕,超個人存在分析的觀點,蒐集三位已戒酒,清醒生活7年參與者的成癮與康復經驗文本,對其主觀經驗進行描寫與詮釋,深入探索酒癮者的成癮歷程,從破碎的生命狀態轉化的關鍵,在真實世界康復與靈性覺醒的經驗。 研究發現,酒癮是長期慢性,容易復發的身心靈疾病,從內在思維改變,生活型態改變,到生活型態崩潰的歷程。酒精只是一種象徵,真正綑綁酒癮者的是自我中心與虛假的完美主義。康復,不僅是要戒酒,更根本的要對治隱伏在酒癮者內心深處的癮症思考,並重構在真實生活中的聯結與存在的意義與價值。 研究也發現,酒癮是可治療的疾病。酒癮者的康復始於象徵式死亡與重生旅程。從意識到自身有飲酒問題,承認需要幫助,採取行動,開始向各類治療機構與清醒社群求醫與求助,學習增強戒酒動機,是康復的開始。反覆進出,摔跤與復飲,是康復旅程的常態。酒癮者痛醒後,跨越否認之河,學習清醒地生活,接納自己與他人的軟弱及限制。酒癮者的在真實生活世界的康復是一條動態的,反覆的,多面向與多層次的重建與自己,他人和上蒼的和好歷程。 酒癮是社會病。酒癮的普遍存在,反映了現代文明,鼓勵自戀,個人主義的生活方式的基調。每一個康復中的酒癮者的生命體驗,都是既獨特又普世,其自我交織著迷失,虛假的,超越和批判的主體性。深入探究酒癮者的生活世界,會明白酒癮者是這個清醒又瘋狂的社會之映射。 戒酒無名會(AA)是 一個酒癮病友互勵清醒的療程,也是一個靈修社群。本初探性研究,嘗試著描繪戒酒無名會在多元性靈修傳統,卻有嚴重被遮蔽的酗酒議題的臺灣社會的體現之多樣面貌。 立意取樣的三位研究參與者,有不同類型的生命經歷,無信仰者與有信仰者,基督宗教與襌佛教信仰者。他們走出自己在地獨特而珍貴的康復道路,活出AA,豐富了做為神話象徵般的AA的生命,和在地發展AA組別社群的多向可能性。 本研究時程較短,加上研究者自身能力的諸多限制,只是一個初步的探究。建議未來在研究上可以更深入完整地探討,提供臨床工作者及有相同生命經驗的酒癮者更具體、更多元的協助與參考。 This preliminary study aims to explore the lives of recovering alcoholics in the world by purposive sampling of fellows of Alcoholics Anonymous in Taiwan. Hermeneutical phenomenological approach of half-structured depth interviews and intensive participating field observation were conducted to collect the experience of addiction and recovery of recovering alcoholics. Three texts were further described and interpreted by view of transpersonal existential analysis to deepen understanding of their process of addiction, spiritual awakening and experience of recovery-in-the-world. The study has revealed that alcoholism is a process illness. It's highly relapsing, holistic disease. Three stages of addiction are described : internal change, life-style change and life-style breakdown. Alcohol is just a symbol. The alcoholics are trapped by their addictive thinking and ego-centered false-perfectionism. Abstaining from alcohol is the beginning of their life-long recovery to rebuild self, families and connection. Alcoholism is treatable. Recovery of alcoholics start from their ego-cide, a symbolic death and re-birth. The recovery of suffering alcoholics start from the admission of their powerlessness over alcohol. They reach out and take action to strengthen their motivation to quit drinking and change. Slip and relapse is a part of progress of recovery. Spiritually awakening alcoholics learn to cross the river of denial and accept their life as it is. Recovery-in-the-world is a dynamic, up-and-down and diversive process. Alcoholism is social illness. The epidemic alcoholism reflect the individualistic and narcissistic characteristics of modern civilizations. Believer and non-believer, Christian and Zen-Buddhist fellows of AA are purposely sampled to participate in this study. We could understand the society we are living in by exploring the life-world of alcoholics. This study is limited by researcher's capabilities. More intensive topics to be explored are recommended.