由於現在資訊的流通快速以及價值觀的轉變,運動產品不再只是純粹的運動功能取向,更是一種流行的象徵。本研究以問卷調查方式,採用單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本T檢定與多元迴歸分析等統計方法,以運動產品為主體,藉以探討青少年生活型態、品牌形象知覺與購買意願之關係,以及廣告代言人是否於品牌形象知覺及購買意願間具有調節效果。 研究結果發現,(1)青少年不同個人背景因素(性別、就讀年級、每週運動天數、每月零用錢額度、自覺零用錢情況、家庭型態及在家排行)於生活型態、品牌形象知覺與購買意願均具有部分顯著差異;(2)青少年生活型態對品牌形象知覺有顯著的影響;(3)品牌形象知覺對購買意願有顯著的影響;(4)青少年生活型態對購買意願有顯著的影響;(5) 品牌形象於生活型態與購買意願間存在部分中介效果;(6) 廣告代言人於品牌形象及購買意願間無調節效果。 Due to rapid information transmission and change of the value nowadays, sport merchandise not only has sports function, but also represent a kind of fashion. This study adopted the methodology of questionnaire to investigate the relationship among Adolescent’s life style, brand image and purchase intension. This study utilizes one-way analysis of variance, independent-samples T test and multiple regression analysis to complete the associated research. The results of the analyses are described as follow: 1. Individual characteristics showed partially significant difference in the life style, brand imageand purchase intension. 2. Adolescent’s life style has significantimpacts on brand image.3.Brand image has significantimpacts on purchase intension. 4. Adolescent’s life style has significantimpacts on purchase intension. 5. Brand image in adolescent’s life style between purchase intension with a partial mediating effect. 6.Advertising endorser not has interference effect in sportsbrand image purchase intension.