摘要: | 休閒活動已是現代生活的潮流,而園藝活動是相當受到歡迎的休閒活動之一,同時也是許多台灣人生活中不可或缺的部份。園藝活動除了和人類生活有很深的連結之外,也兼具撫慰人心的功能。不過既往對於園藝相關的研究,大多著墨在都會區域的園藝活動,較少探討介於都會與鄉村之間的新興社區。因此本研究選定居家園藝活動當作研究主題,欲探討城鄉地區居民投入居家園藝活動的起心動念、進行的歷程與從中得到的效益。 本研究採用質性研究之深度訪談法,針對嘉義縣民雄鄉福樂村的11位園藝活動之參與者的經驗進行研究。研究發現,一般居民投入園藝的動機為四大類:「興趣嗜好的引發」、「生活重心轉移的寄託」、「環境美化與生態保育」、「童年回憶的滋養」。 在園藝的建構歷程方面,園藝活動的成形著重「他人經驗交流與自我嘗試」,並覺得「園藝植物不一定是消費品」且「植栽與資材的來源多元,喜好分享與手作」。對於植栽的選擇,居民喜好考量是「長年生好照顧」、「視覺饗宴」、「芬芳香氣」、「健康可食用」、「實用性與植物的象徵意義」的種類。關於常見的陳列方式,有「大門對稱佈置」、「遮蔽與掩護」、「依附建築體」,以及「善用公共空間與荒地利用」。一般居民整體園藝活動建構特性為「多樣性」、「重視實用性」、「善用公共空間與荒地利用」。 在投入園藝活動之後,居民所獲得的效益有:「勞動筋骨,活絡思考」、「抒壓放鬆,心靈寄託」、「建立個人自信與成就感」、「享用自種健康食材」、「營造居家休憩空間」、「促進人際關係交流」與「生態環境知覺的啟發」。 Leisure activities have becoming a trend of modern life, and horticulture is one of the most popular ones. For many Taiwanese, horticulture is essential to their daily life and also soothes their minds. However, previous studies about horticulture are mostly focused on the gardening activities in urban areas, and new-build communities between urban and rural areas are seldom mentioned. Therefore, this study is aimed to explore the motivations, sequences and benefits of horticulture. This study adopted in-depth interview in qualitative research approach: a total number of eleven participants involving in the leisure horticultural activities shared their experiences. It indicates the followings motivations for people plunging into horticulture: “the initiation of interests”, “to find a new goal of life”, “to beautify the environment”, and “to renew the childhood memories.” The sequences of horticulture focus on “exchanging of experiences and attempts by oneself”, and the interviewees don’t really treat plants as goods. They like sharing and hands-on activities. The main considerations are “easy to take care”, “visual feast”, “fragrance”, “eatable”, and “plants has a metaphor for “good luck.” The interviewees normally focus on “variety”, “practical”, and “to make good use of public spaces and waste lands.” The benefits of stepping into the world of horticulture are: “the improvement of their health condition”, “pressure relief”, “to have confidence and a sense of accomplishment”, “to enjoy the healthy food ingredients grew by their own”, “to arrange a recreational space”, “to promote personal relations”, and “to inspire the perception of the environment.” |