葡萄牙殖民非洲長達400年之久,二次世界大戰後,許多歐洲國家海外殖民地紛紛脫離殖民走向獨立建國,葡屬非洲地區也搭上這波獨立浪潮。雖然在葡屬非洲的反殖民運動初期受到葡萄牙政府的強力鎮壓,不過葡屬非洲民族主義組織也漸漸地發展成組織化的政治團體和軍事組織。葡萄牙殖民地戰爭中,葡萄牙軍與獨立運動組織,雙方在戰事的進展大致上是差不多的,這也導致這場戰爭進行長達13年之久。葡萄牙在殖民地戰爭中因投入過高的人力及成本,導致葡萄牙國內出現反戰的聲浪,並發生了軍事政變推翻了堅持維持殖民版圖的政府,使得葡萄牙走向民主化。新政府同意讓海外殖民地獨立。獨立後的非洲葡語國家與葡萄牙建立了外交關係。並共同成立了葡語國家共同體,讓葡語國家有了一國際性的交流平台,讓葡語國家在國際的影響力提升。 Portugal colonized Africa for as long as 400 years. After the Second World War, many overseas colonies of European countries have broken away from colonization and headed for independence as well as nation-founding. Portuguese Africa also caught this wave of independent tide. Although in the early period the Portuguese African anti-colonial movement was strongly repressed by the government of Portugal, Portuguese African nationalist organization also gradually developed into organized political groups and military organizations. During Portuguese colonial war, the two sides of the Portuguese Army and the independence movement organization in the progress of the war were largely about the same, which also caused the war to last for as long as 13 years. Because of high human power and costs input from Portugal, Portuguese colonial war led to appearance of anti-war voices in Portugal, and the occurrence of a military coup that overthrew the government insisting on maintaining the colonial territory, making Portugal stride towards democratization. The new government agreed to allow overseas colonies to be independent. After independence Portuguese-speaking African countries established diplomatic relations with Portugal, and co-founded the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries, so that Portuguese-speaking countries have an international exchange platform and Portuguese-speaking countries can enhance international influence.