二十一世紀是數位化的時代,全球各個角落,對網路及資訊科技的使用及依賴,已呈現不可逆的趨勢。雲林縣大埤鄉內各小學,面臨少子化潮流,學生數逐年下降,目前正走在裁併宿命及轉型優質機會十字路口。資訊教育,可減少城鄉差距,縮短數位落差,本論文研究目的在探討資訊教育滿意度對學習成就之關係,探討學生在資訊教育的輔助下,滿意度與學習成就之間的關係,並提出建議與改善方法。在雲林縣大埤鄉國民小學學生資訊教育滿意度現況分析中,學生在資訊教育滿意度,分析結果以「非常滿意」人數比例最高,資訊教育滿意度與學習成就呈微弱相關,顯示資訊教育滿意度會影響學習成就。因偏鄉文化不利地區專業的資訊教師仍不足,當局應當由政策方面著手,有規劃的留住資訊教育師資,以提高學生資訊教育滿意度與學習成就,期望本論文能提供給教育推動者,一個參考方向。 21th century is the time of digitalization. It is irreversible that people everywhere in the world depend on the information technology and network. Recently, the number of student has decreased in elementary school in Dapi of Yunlin County. Information education is able to decrease the rural-unban disparity and digital divide. The study makes reference to the information education literature and gives some suggestions: After giving the questionnaire to the elementary school students, the statistics reveals that students have high information education satisfaction, no matter on computer facilities, technology medium, teachers of qualified, software and the administration’s coordination. Furthermore, student’s satisfaction effects their learning achievement.It will be beneficial if the authorities concerned on the problems of teacher’s insufficiency. It is, therefore, that we strongly suggest the authorities should enhance enough resource to improve the teaching literacy.