摘要: | 近年來智慧穿戴裝置運用於日常生活科技的潮流快速興起,舉凡手錶、眼鏡、手環等人們配戴的物品等,透過無線感測器,使功能無限延伸且變得聰明而人性化。拜科技所賜,智慧穿戴裝置結合動作與生理訊號感測器等,能適時顯示人們在活動時的位置、距離、速度等動態行為訊號,及記載、追蹤與監控身體活動量化資訊,甚至可對人體作非侵入性心律測量。本研究採用現行市售常見的運動型穿戴裝置,進行身體活動訊號量測,發現依據評估身體活動量4個基本層面原理當中(頻率、強度、形式、持續時間),消耗熱量與時間、速度、心率及攝氧量有相關性,可作為評估身體活動量的依據。同樣的,運動型穿戴裝置若能結合物聯網,將運動學、醫學、營養學等資訊、專業人士與專家系統整合在感測裝置網路平台上,建立個人健康管理網路,隨時追蹤、分析個人身體活動紀錄,並即時提供專業協助與建議,以服務整合創造市場優勢,相信更能帶來市場上的商機,並且讓穿戴裝置更大眾化與智能化,促進人們健康照護的生活品質。 In recent years, the application of smart wearable device to daily technology has emerged rapidly, ranging from smart watches, smart glasses, and smart bracelets, etc. Through a wireless sensing device, the functions may be extended infinitely and become intelligent and personalized. Thanks to technology, smart wearable devices, which combine the sensors of movements and physical signals, may timely indicate people’s dynamic signals, including location, distance and speed, record, track, and monitor the quantitative information on physical activities, and even carry out the non-invasive measurement of the rhythm of the heart when people move around. The study adopted the athletic wearable device currently sold in the market to measure the physical activities. The result showed that according to the evaluation of four basic aspects of physical activities (frequency, intensity, form, and duration), the calorie consumption was correlated with time, speed, heart rate, and oxygen uptake, and could be used as the basis of evaluation of physical activities. Meanwhile, the athletic wearable devices could combine Internet of Things and integrate kinematics, medicine, nutrition, and professionals’ and experts’ systems into the online platform of sensing device to establish a personal health management website, follow up the progress at any time, and analyze individual’s physical activities. In addition, the platform may provide professional assistance and recommendations instantly and create advantages in the market through service integration, which will create business opportunities, popularize smart wearable devices, and promote people’s health care and quality of life. |