1970年代中期之後,環境史研究興起,成為歷史學的新興領域。通識教育強調知識的統合,環境史訴求跨領域的學科交流,二者的本質相近。本文在「通識教育」與長庚大學「核心課程」兩大範疇下,以作者開授的「環境危機與當代世界」之環境史課程為例,論述它的課程理念、規劃與執行。以「環境危機與當代世界」為課名的環境史課程,是作者意圖實現「歷史學科」特質而設計的三學分通識教育核心課程。本文討論長庚大學通識教育核心課程的基本規範、環境史課程設計的理念與實踐,以及論述環境史教學在環境教育中的重要性。本文主張,通識教育須要傳授基本的學科知識,而環境教育不能忽略歷史的元素,否則無法窺見問題的全貌,故「環境危機與當代世界」的課程設計,是以歷史學的概念為本,分成四個單元,將歷史學的學科知識、環境主義主張、環保運動之崛起、全球環境政治的現實性、在地與全球等課題,進行知識與觀念的梳理和統整,提供學生認識環境問題的歷史性與多元性。本文認為將自然生態與歷史學兩者相結合,方能賦予學生更佳的基礎,以理解環境的相關議題。本文證明歷史學與環境課題可以結合在通識教育核心課程之中,讓跨學科的特質、現世的關切、公民的素養、與知識的承載度等面向,皆能兼顧而不偏廢。因為此一特質的存在,故本文主張:環境史課程應被列為環境教育中的重要一環。 In mid-1970s United States, environmental history became a new field within history. With its interdisciplinary nature and complexity, environmental history, just as many courses in general education, offers a more integrated body of knowledge. Core curriculum focuses on the fundamental knowledge of academic disciplines. It equips students with the capability of critical thinking and encourages original viewpoints. Under the frameworks of general education and core curriculum, this paper examines the goal and curriculum planning of “Environmentalism in the Contemporary World”, an environmental history course offered at Chang Gung University. Some issues are discussed in this paper: the requirements of core curriculum at Chang Gung University, the idea of the course planning, and the importance of teaching environmental history in terms of environmental education. The author argues that teaching the principles of academic disciplines are essential in general education. As an example, the course emphasizes the practice of historiography, and shows us that environmental education cannot ignore the significance of history and the dynamic relationship between mankind and environment. It also proves that by combining the knowledge of history and nature, students can better understand the related environmental topics. Through general education, students also become more aware of global events and committed to protecting the environment. The author concludes, in addition to its academic value, environmental history plays an important role in environmental education.