為什麼是「問題/行動」導向?就是因為以往都是以教師傳授為主的教學,教師與學生的對立,學生在知識化的填鴨下,生發不出思維的火花!學習是一行動歷程,提問亦為行動歷程的一個向度。「問題/行動」導向的學習,正是「以生/師為中心的自主學習」,生/師皆為「學習者」,而非教與學的對立。又,為什麼是「影像」為主?因為影像正是活化的文字。影像的表達需要對主題或對象做較深的省思,方得以展現,使學習者更易掌握主題或學習的核心,引領學習者更易發覺學習者學習的盲點或謬誤。那麼,該當如何落實於課程的操作呢?筆者即以獲得教育部公民核心能力課程計畫績優之「性別與醫學倫理」通識課程為例來說明,並讓讀者了解其永續操作的可能性。 Why is the problem/active based learning? It is just because of regarding teachers’ teaching as principle resulting in teacher and student being opposed to each other. Students could not give rise the sparks of thinking under the cramming education. Learning is an active process and to ask questions is a dimension of active process also. Problem/active based learning is exactly the independent learning in regarding students and teachers as the core that students and teachers are all the learners but not teaching and learning be opposed to each other. Furthermore, why does regard image as principle? It is precisely because image could make the words alive. The developing of image must make reflection on the main theme or object deeper to cause the learners to master the core of learning and to guide the learners to realize the blind spots or fallacies in the learning easier. So, how can we carry out on the practice of curriculum? The writer will now take the“Gender and Medical Ethics”curriculum of general education which has won the excellent prize of the curriculum project of modern cultivating citizen’s core competence of Ministry of Education for example to explain, and let the readers understand the possibility of practicing permanently.