本文主要目的,在藉由近來政治哲學中之所謂的「詮釋政治哲學」的觀點,對台灣目前公民教育中某些核心素養進行反省並簡要討論其所可能具有的意涵。主要分三部分來論述:首先是對台灣社會政治現況與公民素養教育的關連進行討論。文中認為,目前台灣公民素養教育流於知識口號,且太強調了公民權利認知的面向,而忽略了另一些更重要的民主核心面向,此即「相互尊重」與「理性溝通」,因而導致了各種公民運動中常出現了許多令人詬病的問題;其次引介了政治哲學中的「詮釋政治哲學」的觀點,並簡單討論其內涵與重要意義,特別是其與公民素養中的「相互尊重」與「理性溝通」之間的關連。並例示了在這樣一種新的觀點之下,對於民主社會中,重大爭議的討論與解決會有什麼樣的正面影響與效果; 最後,則在結論中簡單對「詮釋政治哲學」所具有的此種教育與啟發的作用進行闡述,並指出,其對公民素養培育的主要意涵,來自於提供了一種解答「為什麼需要」的後設思想理論基礎。 This article intends to provide a brief critical discussion focusing on some of the core literacies in civil education in Taiwan from the perspective of the so called “interpretive political philosophy.”This discussion consists of three parts: in the first part, it traces out the correlation between the political phenomena and the civil education in Taiwan. It claims that in Taiwan, the civil education attaches great importance on teaching people how many rights they have and how important these right are, but less on how they should respect one another and how they should discuss problems rationally. In the second part, the perspective of the interpretive political philosophy is introduced and given a brief and concise explanation of why it is so important to the afore mentioned core civil literacies. After that, a connection is also established between the hermeneutic dimension of the deep conflicts happened in any free democratic society and the possible solutions or positive effects that bring with it. In the final part, also the conclusion, it explicates why this new philosophy can have the effect of edification and enlightenment on the civil education. And the answer is maybe that this philosophical perspective provides a meta-level reflection on the questions of why we need respect each other and why we need discuss rationally, which are so important to our civil education now in Taiwan.