隨著資訊技術和網際網路的蓬勃發展,電子化學習已然成為時代潮流,然而不論同步或非同步學習內部知識傳遞都僅是被動模式,學習者無法根據適性程度和自我需求主動地尋覓知識,因此,此研究將經由知識管理理論、電子化學習,代理人理論及貝氏網路理論,將蘊含於學習平台的知識加以精鍊,輔以推播技術的導入建構一『個人化主動推播模式』,本研究提出一個融合知識管理有效移轉之具體模式架構,以供學習平台主動推播潛在的知識需求給學習者,促使整體學習平台的功能更具多元、實用性。 With the prosperous developing of computer technology and World Wild Web, e-learning has already become the world trade. However, not only synchronous but asynchronous inner knowledge delivery learning are just impassive mode; learners are unable to search knowledge automatically by according to their different degrees and needs. Thus, the research of this paper bases on the theories of KM, e-learning, agent & Bayesian network, etc; that is, constructing an integrated personally push delivery model based on course knowledge by condensing the knowledge of learning platform, push technology and Bayesian Network. This research stating a frame of concrete mode for the potential knowledge needs of learners, expecting the whole learning model more functional and practical.