俄羅斯在蘇聯解體後,經過許多的憲政演化與政治實驗,終於造就出今日的這副憲政面貌。有意思的是在歷經普汀總統的執政成功經驗之後,俄羅斯或許因為倚賴強人政治的慣習未除,以及諸多攸關民主憲政的基礎制度尚未完成,以致於普汀總統兩任屆滿之後仍需藉助他的政治影響力來穩定政局,從一國的總統之尊轉任總理職務。這個轉變將會是個俄羅斯憲政的重大轉挒點,抑或僅僅是普汀個人政治生涯的暫行機制(modus vivendi),將是本文觀察的重點。 After the dislocation of the former URSS, Russia has been through many experiences on constitutional evolution as well as political experiments to form it’s current constitutional regime. The most interesting part is that after the successful mandates of President Vladimir Poutine, it seems that Poutine remains the only strongman in Russia. Therefore, the position switch from the President to the Prime minister for Mr. Poutine may be inevitable. Meanwhile, the position switch is only a modus vivendi for Mr. Poutine’s political career, or it will be a turning point of Russian constitutional regime will be examined in this article.