本文針對教育學術期刊中教師研究領域的文獻進行分析。進入21世紀後,師資培育階段和教師教學工作與專業發展之間逐漸被視為息息相關的整體,反映在教師研究領域中則出現實踐者探究或師資培育者研究等類型。從21世紀初的許多期刊中可以發現,教師研究在教育領域中占有不可或缺的地位,教師研究領域中的次主題也聚焦在師資培育課程與教學以及教師教學工作與專業之間的連結上;而教師研究取向也從以往以量化研究為主流,轉向以質性研究為主的研究趨勢。 This article examines themes and methods appearing in articles related to "teacher studies" in education journals in the first decade of the 21st century, using both quantitative and qualitative data. The results of the analysis indicate: firstly, the proportion of articles on "teacher studies" in education journals is about 10 percent; secondly, there are strong similarities among journals in sequences of themes and research approaches; thirdly, there is a trend in research on "teacher studies" towards focusing on practitioner inquiry or self-study. The outcomes of research, evidence base, and research genres within this field over the period of interest are also evaluated.