World ubiquity of mercy advocated by world religions makes it imperative to explicate our life-necessity to cherish children our origin, never to abuse them. This essay supports this thesis globally, one feature of world religions. Sounding exotic, this essay tightly traces our exciting necessity of living in “world interculture” led by children playing together, to warn against our “abusing children.” Five links are here: to exist as joy, shown in living together, as interculture in joy, lived by children playing together, so abusing them abolishes us and interculture global. This essay presents the links in four sections. Section I describes existence inter-existent inter-thinking, interculture. Section II tells of how children live interculture naturally playing, displaying our innate features. Section III responds to four objections to child-preciousness; raising objections to children reinforces children as our paradigm of world interculture. The final Section IV ties up negatively on how “abusing children” abolishes “world interculture” and us all with the cosmos. 慈悲無窮是普世宗教的主旨,由而珍惜小孩為人生基本,絕對禁止侮蔑他們。本文由全球觀念(也是宗教所主)支持這宗旨:孩子們共同玩耍以引導全球互動文化,警惕絕不侮孩。本文由五環成立:存有即共存、共生,即悅樂文化互動,由孩們共玩,因此辱孩毀滅全球及人類。I 節闡述生存即共存共思文化互動。II 節看孩童自然遊戲呈現人生本質。III 節回應四項反對,呈顯「反對」之支持孩童為文化互動之規範。IV 節由反面總結,說明侮孩必毀滅全球文化互動及全人類。