本研究旨在探討國中小女性教師之人格特質、理財態度與旅遊型態之關係,以雲林縣國中小女性教師為研究對象,採用便利抽樣發放問卷320份,取得275份有效樣本,所得資料以驗證性因素分析查證各構面的構成成分,並使用路徑/迴歸分析來驗證各構面之間的關係。經實證研究結果顯示:一、 雲林縣國中小女性教師之人格特質偏向「友善性」;理財態度偏向「保守型」;旅遊型態則偏向「家庭取向者」與「拓展社交者」。二、 不同人格特質的國中小女性教師會有不同的理財態度。其中,(一) 神經質及友善性人格特質者傾向保守型理財態度;(二) 外向性及嚴謹性人格特質者傾向穩健型理財態度;(三) 外向性人格特質者傾向積極型理財態度;(四) 友善性人格特質越高者,越不具有積極型理財態度。三、 不同人格特質的國中小女性教師會選擇不同的旅遊型態。其中,(一) 開放性人格特質者偏好遠離日常生活、家庭取向及拓展社交之旅遊型態;(二) 外向性人格特質者偏好拓展社交之旅遊型態;(三) 神經質人格特質越高者,越不偏好拓展社交及知性學習之旅遊型態;(四) 嚴謹性人格特質越高者,越不偏好拓展社交之旅遊型態。四、 不同理財態度的國中小女性教師會選擇不同的旅遊型態。其中,(一) 保守型理財態度傾向選擇遠離日常生活、拓展社交及享受生活之旅遊型態;(二) 穩健型理財態度傾向選擇知性學習之旅遊型態;(三) 積極型理財態度傾向選擇拓展社交之旅遊型態。最後依據研究結果,分別對國中小女性教師、相關業者及未來後續研究提出建議,期望能透過人格特質、理財態度、旅遊型態提供相關人士建立理財規劃、推動旅遊活動之參考。 The aim of the study is to discuss the relationships among the personality, financial attitudes and tourism patterns of junior high female teachers; therefore, the present writer focuses on junior high female teachers and applies the way of convenient sample to distribute 320 questionnaires and acquire 275 efficient samples. Besides, comfirmatory factors analysis will be employed to inquire the composed constitutes on each aspect and regression will be used to confirm the relationship among respective aspects. Through the results, the study manifests that: 1. The junior high teachers in Yunlin County are much inclined to amicable characters, their financial attitudes are tends to be conservative, and they prefer families oriented and interpersonal oriented tourism patterns. 2. Junior high female teachers with varied personalities lead to varied ways toward financial attitude . (1)The financial attitudes of the neuroticism are tends to be conservative. (2)The financial attitudes of the openness are tends to be steady or active. (3)The financial attitudes of the conscientiousness are tends to be steady. (4) The agreeableness prefer conservative financial attitude to active financial attitude. 3. Junior high female teachers with different personalities choose different tourism patterns. (1)The tourism patterns of the openness are tends to be families oriented, building up social life and far away daily livings. (2)The tourism patterns of the extraversion are tends to be building up social life. (3)The neuroticism do not like the tourism patterns of building up social life and cognition learning. (4)The conscientiousness do not like the tourism patterns of building up social life. 4. Junior high female teachers who adopted varied ways to financial attitudes choose divergent tourism patterns. (1)The tourism patterns of the conservative financial attitude are tends to be building up social life, enjoying life and far away daily livings. (2)The tourism patterns of the steady financial attitude are tends to be cognition learning. (3)The tourism patterns of the active financial attitude are tends to be building up social life. Accordingly, suggestions are offered regarding to the research results and the researchers greatly expect the study can become the reference for the related people to establish their own financial scheme or the reference to promote tourism activities.