早在1972年所通過的《人類環境宣言》(Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment),就提到已開發國家須對開發中國家提供技術和財政援助,自此資金和技術轉移成為國際氣候制度的核心內容。對開發中國家而言,已開發國家是否履行資金和技術轉移的責任,不僅攸關氣候正義,同時也決定全球氣候治理的成敗。儘管目前全球有 25 個氣候基金,但有關的研究在國內外仍不多見,原因之一就是缺乏國際氣候基金的資料,因此全面性蒐集和整理國際氣候基金的官方資料也就成為本文的目的,希望透過這一努力提供後續研究的重要參考。此外,由於綠色氣候基金對國際氣候合作的重要性,本文也納入綠色氣候基金的相關問題,包括基金架構的設計和管理運作,以提高各方面對綠色氣候基金的瞭解。 Since the initiation of Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972, the idea that developed countries should provide financial and technological assistance to its developing counterparts has become a key issue of international climate politics. It concerns deeply in the viewpoints of developing countries, and also the prospect of global climate governance. However, publishes about international climate funds are rare. As a result, this paper is aimed to gather and analyze official information of existing international climate funds, so as to provide a framework for further research. Discussions and Suggestions about design and management of Green Climate Fund are included, because of its significance for the future of international climate co-operation.