閱讀是一切學習的基礎,也決定孩子的學習競爭力,台灣雖然面臨少子化的現象,但是家長對孩子的教育不遺餘力,用心投資栽培,提供豐富的物質生活,也創造優質的學習機會。童書是文創的產物,本土童書創作者越來越受大眾喜愛,在圖書市場裡,台灣童書的出版量也一直占總類的前第三名,為人父母者該如何為孩子挑選適性適齡的童書,便是一項值得探討的議題與學問。本研究將研究對象分為市區國小及偏鄉國小家長,希望藉由消費者的人口統計變項、生活型態、消費動機,探究購買行為過程中所造成的差異。 本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象為國小學童家長。問卷題項依據文獻分析探討生活型態與消費動機之理論內涵編製而成。總共約發放595份,回收518份,有效問卷總計為499份。經統計分析結果,獲得之研究結論如下:一、 國小學童家長之人口統計變數與童書消費經驗有顯著差異獲得部份支持。二、 國小學童家長之人口統計變數與生活型態有顯著差異獲得部份支持。三、 國小學童兒童家長之人口統計變數與童書消費動機有顯著差異獲得部份支持。四、 國小學童家長之生活型態與童書消費動機有顯著差異獲得全部支持。五、 根據研究結論,提出具體建議,以作為出版相關單位、家長及教育單位之參考。 Reading is not only the foundation of learning, but it also determines how competitive children could be. With the low fertility rate in Taiwan, many parents spare no effort to educate their children. They provide their children with a great material life as well as a better learning environment. Children's books are the productions of cultural and creative industries. Domestic writers of children's books are getting more and more popular. With the publication of children's books comes in third in the market, how to choose suitable books for kids as a parent also becomes an issue. The survey targets parents with elementary school children. They were divided into two groups, based on whether their children study in urban or remote areas. The purpose of this survey was to investigate the differences in buy behavior in the aspects of demographic variables, life style and the motivation of purchase. This survey was conducted by questionnaire method, which the participants are the parents of elementary school students. The questionnaire was designed based on the analysis on documents, which revolves the theory of life style and the motivation of consumption. In the total of 595 questionnaires were distributed, with 518 returned, including 499 valid copies. According to the analysis of those valid copies, the results are shown as follows:1. The demographic variables of the parents and their experience of purchasing children's books are shown partly significant effect.2. The demographic variables of the parents and their life style are shown partly significant effect.3. The demographic variables of the parents and their motivation of purchasing children's books are shown partly significant effect.4. The life style of the parents and their motivation of purchasing children's books are shown significant effect.5. The conclusions of this survey can serve as references for related publishers, parents and education systems.