培養學童的閱讀能力可說是國民義務教育最重要的環節之一,而愛的書庫則是在台灣國小學童閱讀教育中扮演重要的角色。本研究旨在探究愛的書庫目前的推廣現況,並進一步分析學童與家長對於運用愛的書庫來進行閱讀活動的動機與行為。本研究採用問卷調查法,並以國小四年級學童與家長為分析對象,共回收有效問卷290份,研究結果發現:1.不同性別學童在「認可」、「放鬆」兩構面閱讀動機,男女生有顯著差異,且女生的平均數皆高於男生。2.不同性別學童在「閱讀喜好」、「閱讀數量」﹑「閱讀廣度」﹑「閱讀方式」、「親子閱讀喜好」項目明顯男女生有顯著差異,且女生的平均數皆高於男生。3.國小學童閱讀動機與閱讀行為有顯著差異獲得部份成立。例如學童在「放鬆」閱讀動機越強,學童在「閱讀數量」﹑「閱讀時間」與「閱讀方式」平均數越高。4.國小學童共讀者人口統計變項與學童閱讀動機有顯著差異獲得部份成立。例如共讀者教育程度越高,學童在「競爭」構面閱讀動機越強。5.國小學童共讀者人口統計變項與學童閱讀行為有顯著差異獲得部份成立。例如共讀者教育程度越高,學童的閱讀廣度越大。6.學生閱讀動機與閱讀行為的影響,進而展望未來推廣兒童閱讀之方向。研究者根據研究結果提出有關的建議,供愛的書庫、老師和未來研究參考。 One of the basic abilities in compulsory education is enhancing students’ reading proficiency, and in recent years, the Philanthropic Library has played an important role. This study was trying to inquire the popularized situation of Philanthropic Library at present, and to analyze the students and their parents’ reading motivation and reading behavior by using Philanthropic Library. The research consists a sample of 290 the 4th graders in elementary schools and their parents as well. It provided the data from questionnaires, which was analyzed by statistical methods. The findings of the study were listed as follows:1. About reading motivation, there were significant differences in “identity” and “relaxation” by different genders, and the mean of the girls were higher than the boys.2. There were significant differences in “preference”, “quantity”, “reading style” and “paternity preference” by different genders. In addition, all the mean of the girls were higher than the boys.3. Some distinctions were found between reading motivation and reading behavior. If students got higher relaxation in reading motivation, they would get higher mean of “reading quantity”, “reading time” and “reading style”.4. The students would be strongly motivated for competition if their co-readers had higher educational attainment.5. The students’ reading span would be wider if their co-readers had higher educational attainment.6. From the correlation between reading motivation and behavior, there were some suggestions to the Philanthropic Library, teachers and further research for promoting reading.