摘要: | 第十五屆西藏人民議會第9 次會議於(2015 年3 月)進行,會議審議並通過了「藏人行政中央2015 至2016 年度財政預算案」,大致內容:「總金額約為:二十億零八百九十八萬印度盧比(2,008,980,000),在議會經過仔細研究討論後,對多項預算進行了調動,最終通過的預算總金額爲二十億零一千八百零三萬九千一百一十印度盧比(2,018,039,110)。」,從公開的預算中可以看出藏人行政中央的許多政經動態,藉由訪談格桑堅參議員,我們可以瞭解到西藏人民議會的實際運作情况:一、西藏人民議會的議事運作趨於成熟,預算審議與執行符合西方代議政治常軌,預算內容公開透明而富於民主自信。二、選舉制度隨印度藏人定居國家或教派成長而有所漸進調整席次,在尊崇達賴喇嘛的中間道路上,同時存在西藏獨立的訴求,不僅從未間斷,受到與北京對話阻滯的影響,強度依然不減。 The Interview with Kelsang Gyaltsen, the parliamentarian of Kham pa Constituency, and the analyses of the examination and the related agenda of the Central Tibetan Administration’s financial budget of 2015-2016 in the Parliament of the Central Tibetan Administration on March, 2015. The financial budget of 2015-2016 made by Central Tibetan Administration was passed after examination in the 9th Assembly of the 15th Parliament of the Central Tibetan Administration. The first total amount was 2,008,980,000 (INR). However, after discussion in the assembly, the final total amount reached 2,018,039,110 (INR) with many items of the budget changed. From the budget, we can see the movement in the politic and economic fields of the Central Tibetan Administration. Interview with the Tibet parliamentarian Kelsang Gyaltsen, we may know the operation of the Parliament of the Central Tibetan Administration as followings: 1.The procedure of the assembly agenda becomes mature. The examination of the budget coincides with the western representative politics. The budget is open to discussion, and it is in full democratic confidence. 2.According to Tibetan settlers in Indian and various sects, the number of elected seats in the Parliament of the Central Tibetan Administration would be changed gradually. While Dalai Lama’s moderate thought is respected by Tibetans, the appeal for independence of Tibet is also demanded. This idea is still very firm because of no dialogue with Beijing. |