本論文以八位分佈於台灣北、中、南的大學院校美術系中生代水墨畫教師的創作風格進行初步分析,企圖透過此八位教師本身的創作脈絡及其教學影響力窺看臺灣未來的水墨畫發展走向。文中分別大略介紹八位創作者的學習、創作歷程演進以及創作觀念與部分作品成果展現,突顯其各自獨立的創作風格與價值,再藉由歸納比較手法,整理出差異與共同的創作類型,並從近年來舉辦的臺灣大學院校美術相關科系學生水墨畫聯合展出的作品中,尋找傳承的脈絡,發現彼此之間確實存在著密不可分的臍帶影響,得以印證本文從台灣藝術學院美術系中生代水墨畫教師創作風格管窺水墨畫的未來可能發展精神無誤。 This paper is based on studying the art styles of eight ink painting professors belong to the generation of middle-aged in Taiwan, and try to analyze their art contexts and their influence of teaching for finding the developmental paths of ink painting in Taiwan. In this paper, author analyzed and criticized these eight professors’ art concept by their works and learning process, and described the difference and same points between their art styles and practice. As for a further comment, author tried to prove the connection and relations of art concept and contexts between these professors and their students, thereby finding and forecasting the future developmental possibilities of ink painting in Taiwan.