中國人自古喜好將美人比喻為花,美人和花被視為生活與大自然中最常見的審美對象。梅蘭竹菊四君子是歷代文人墨客以物言志與畫家推崇賞識的題材,人生的喜怒榮衰皆可移情於花,因此具有品格的花語象徵或是賞心悅目的花卉作品既可以勵志亦可怡情養性。此外,在工藝與文化創意產業領域中,瑰麗的或素樸的花卉圖案也經常被應用在各種產品的設計中。由於花卉富有多采多姿的容貌與獨特的語義內涵,深受筆者的喜愛,因此希望可以設計出絢麗的花卉圖案與插畫作品。After Effects是一款視訊特效的後製軟體,本研究的目標即在於利用花卉素材與After Effects的結合,製作出富有律動感的數位動態影像。再從影像的技術與美感分析中研究出數位藝術的輔助教程,以提供給產業與學術研究當作參考。 Chinese people have long compared beautiful women to flowers. Beautiful women and flowers are often seen as subjects of beauty in people’s daily life and in nature respectively. Writers and artists love to use four flowers— plum blossom, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum, as the theme in their works. They often cast their emotion and passion into flowers. Therefore, the flowers can not only be used as encouragement but also as inspiration. Besides, all kinds of flower patterns are used in various products both in the fields of crafts and cultural invention. I have long been fascinated by the colorful appearance and the unique implication of flowers. So I hope to design the flower-related products and artistic illustration works. After Effects is a post-production software for video effect. The purpose of this study is using the combination of flower element and After Effects to produce digital animated images with rhythm. And then, by analyzing the technique and the beauty of the images, we try to make up a supplementary teaching process for digital art as a reference for academic and industrial study.