台灣地區啤酒市場於1978年陸續進口,深深影響了國內啤酒市場的發展。在多種啤酒品牌競爭激烈環境下,各啤酒商絞盡腦汁尋求創新的行銷手法,加深消費者對啤酒品牌形象,使其產品更能為消費者所喜愛,提升顧客滿意度。當顧客受到新的刺激或感到厭倦無趣時,滿意度高的顧客也有可能轉換行為,轉換嘗試新的東西,以滿足其需求。尤其是在競爭激烈的環境之下,能做到使顧客滿意,卻仍然留不住顧客,主要的原因是缺乏顧客忠誠度。 本研究旨在探討啤酒品牌形象、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度對轉換意願之影響,研究結果: (1)品牌形象對轉換意願有顯著的負向影響,(2)品牌形象對顧客忠誠有顯著的正向影響,(3)顧客滿意度對轉換意願有顯著的負向影響,(4)顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度有顯著的正向影響,(5)顧客忠誠度對轉換意願有顯著的負向影響,(6)品牌形象不會透過顧客忠誠度的中介效果影響轉換意願,(7)顧客滿意度會透過顧客忠誠度的中介效果部分影響轉換意願。 In Taiwan, the government opened up its beer market and began to import foreign beer in 1987,and the openmarlcet decision hasaffected the development of the domestic beer marketsignificantly.Fueling the fierce competition among various beer brands, beer brewers rack their brains for innovative marketing strategies. They must create an impression on beer consumers, in order to make their brand more popular and enhance customer satisfaction. Nevertheless, even customers with high brand satisfaction levels might alter their consumption behaviors when a new product is launched or they bore of the same old products. They may consume new products in order to meet their needs. When the market is fiercely competitive, the main reason for market share loss in products with high customer satisfaction is lack of customer loyalty. This research investigated the effects of brand image and customer satisfaction and loyalty on switching intention in the beer market. The results were as follows: (1) Brand image has a significant negative effect on switching intention. (2) Brand image has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. (3) Customer satisfaction has a significant negative effect on switching intention. (4) Customer satisfaction has a significant positive effect on customer loyalty. (5) Customer loyalty has a significant negative effect on switching intention. (6) Customer loyalty does not mediate the effect of brand image on switching intention. (7) Customer loyalty partially mediates the effect of customer satisfaction on switching intention.