本研究以量化方法結合質性研究方法,利用資料包絡分析法(DEA)與深入訪談法,針對嘉義縣鼓樂團隊的組織管理與經營績效進行分析與探討,蒐集近3年的相關資料,包含3個投入項(師資成本、學生參與人數、學生練習時數)與2個產出項(比賽得獎計分、表演次數),以DEA進行效率分析,接著以Tobit迴歸分析出團隊組織管理中整體效率與投入、產出項變數間之相關性。最後,經由個案訪談法,深入瞭解各鼓樂團隊的發展歷程。整理訪談內容並對照量化分析結果,藉此提供各鼓樂團隊有效率的改善管理方向,以達到最適化規模發展的效率。實證結果發現:1.發現各鼓樂團隊所投入之師資成本、學生參與人數及學生練習時數與整體效率呈現顯著負相關。2.各鼓樂團隊所產出之比賽得獎計分、表演次數與整體效率呈現顯著正相關。3.團隊管理人實為團隊永續發展不可或缺的重要關鍵人物。 To investigate the organization management and operational efficiency of the drum music feature teams in Chiayi County, this study adopts both the qualitative and quantitative research methods as well as data envelopment analysis (DEA) and in-depth interviewing. From the related data in the past three years, three inputs, such as the cost of faculty, the number of students involved, and the practice hours of students, together with two outputs including performance times and award points are analyzed with DEA and Tobit regression analysis in order to find out their interrelationship and overall efficiency. Besides, In-depth interviews are further conducted so that we can not only understand the development of all the drum music feature teams but also find out the most adequate direction to improve their operational efficiency in the future. The empirical results indicate that in all the drum music feature teams, there is a negative correlation between their overall efficiency and inputs of the cost of faculty, the number of students involved, and the practice hours of students, while there is a positive correlation between their overall efficiency and outputs of performance times and award points. Moreover, the administrator definitely plays an indispensable role for the sustainable development of all the teams.