本研究分析2005年至2014年間臺中地區19家基層農會信用部,應用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA)估計臺中地區基層農會信用部之經營效率,並應用麥氏生產力指數(Malmquist Productivity Index, MPI)分析法探討基層金融機構經營效率之影響因素。研究結果顯示,臺中地區基層農會信用部在純技術效率上的表現優於規模效率,且近年來效率變動率、純技術進步成長率以及規模效率變動率,均呈現進步的表現,但全體平均生產技術變動值皆呈現衰退趨勢,顯示臺中地區基層農會信用部對於營運區域環境、業務規模及營運策略上等問題,應加以探討改進。 This research was conducted from 2005 to 2014 of 19 local agriculture credit centers throughout the Taichung area. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was used to estimate local Taichung agriculture credit departments’ operation efficiency, and apply Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) to analyze factors that influence each local financial organization’s operation efficiency. The result of this research showed that when looking at pure technical efficiency, the performance was superior to that of scale efficiency. Over the past several years the efficiency rate of change, pure technical improvement/development rate and scale efficiency rate of change have all shown improvements in performance. However, the average entire production technical rate of change has shown a decreasing trend. These results show that it is necessary for discussion and improvement in the areas of operation, business scale and operation strategy etc.